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Airport Birrfeld professional
P3D V4/V5
Airport Birrfeld professional
With its close proximity to Zurich and Aargau, the Birrfeld airfield is one of the most important Actors of the "General Aviation" in Switzerland. Stuck between the A1 and the A3 finds one the airfield Birrfeld with the ICAO abbreviation...
  $20.00 *
Airport Altenrhein professional
P3D V4/V5
Airport Altenrhein professional
The airfield St. Gallen-Altenrhein in Switzerland is now available for your Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D V4 & V5! Features: Conversion of existing buildings, people, vehicles, vegetation, etc. Rebuilding FAA Museum, Hangars C6 and F1 and...
  $25.00 *
Airport Grenchen professional
P3D V4/V5
Airport Grenchen professional
The regional airport Grenchen has now been implemented by FlyLogic for Prepar3D V4 & V5! New highlights: Scenery made executable in P3D V4 & V5 New lights created Scenery extended by Hangar 7 Static aircraft and individual persons moved...
  $24.00 *
Fly The Tiger F-5 for P3D V4
P3D V4
Fly The Tiger F-5 for P3D V4
Fly the legendary Northrop F-5E Tiger II on your home PC. The add-on includes a completely redesigned model for the P3D V4 as well as complex animations. A special challenge is the mission flight over the Axalp and further over the...
  $26.00 *
Airport Speck-Fehraltorf professional
P3D V4/V5
Airport Speck-Fehraltorf professional
Now fly to the Airport Speck-Fehraltorf in Switzerland in your fllight simulator! Highlights: Highly detailed airfield scenery of Speck-Fehraltorf optimized for P3D V4/V5 Breathtaking night lighting High resolution, photo realistic...
  $18.99 *
Airport Lugano professional
P3D V4/V5
Airport Lugano professional
Take a quiet and relaxing evening flight and enjoy the unique approach to Lugano-Agno with its fantastic Alpine panorama. The extremely realistic reproduction of one of the most pleasant airports in Switzerland greets every pilot with...
  $24.00 *
Airport Buochs professional
P3D V4/V5
Airport Buochs professional
The Airport of Buochs was built in the 1940-ies as a military airbase for the Swiss Air Force. Through the years, various aerospace industry companies started to settle around the airport as well. The best know are Pilatus Aircraft, who...
  $24.99 *
Switzerland professional P3D
P3D V4/V5
Switzerland professional P3D
The new Switzerland professional is the ultimate VFR scenery and is now made for the P3D! Every 3D object has been positioned absolutely realistic in whole Switzerland. The houses are placed at the actual spot. The trees and forests in...
  $110.00 *
Airport Buochs X
Airport Buochs X
Welcome to the Airport of Buochs, the picturesque airport within its scenery environment. The new product by Flylogic Software offers you now the possibility to land at this airport with a challenging approach in your own flight...
  $28.49 *
Switzerland Professional
Switzerland Professional X
The new Switzerland Professional is the ultimate scenery for visual flights for FSX! 3D objects have been place on their true exact position throughout the whole of Switzerland. Houses have been placed on their exact locations, trees and...
  $134.99 *
Sion X
Sion X
The airfield at Sion is one the most scenic and aeronautically challenges in Europe! This airfield, situated in the middle of Wallis distinguishes itself by its realism and optimal integration into the "Switzerland Professional X"...
  $17.99 *
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