Airport Birrfeld professional

P3D V4/V5
18,45 € *

Prezzi incl. 22% IVA

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  • AS14674
  • FlyLogic
  • FlyLogic
  • Deutsch/Englisch
  • 1.00
With its close proximity to Zurich and Aargau, the Birrfeld airfield is one of the most... altro
Informazione prodotto "Airport Birrfeld professional"

With its close proximity to Zurich and Aargau, the Birrfeld airfield is one of the most important Actors of the "General Aviation" in Switzerland. Stuck between the A1 and the A3 finds one the airfield Birrfeld with the ICAO abbreviation LSZF, directly west of the city Baden and south of Brugg.

When creating the scenery, the designer has not only on the airfield itself concentrated, but also modeled the surrounding area. The closeness to reality is thanks the large equipment of 3D objects, many small aircraft and the animated car traffic on approach to the 08 or 26 excellently done.

Features Birrfeld P3D V4.x:

  • Adaptation of scenery to P3D V4.x
  • Conversion of all buildings, objects and floor layout
  • Updating the floor layout, extended asphalt surfaces, changed hold-line
  • New markings on the grass runway, etc.
  • Demolition of old hangar and new construction "Maintenance Hangar" and "Hangar 7"
  • Supplementing the vegetation
  • Site-specific 3D objects in the course area area like the industrial area in the area West (ALSTOM, Antalis) for more realistic approach and departure
  • Night lighting in some windows and dynamic light on headlights
  • Night lighting in the restaurant
  • Optimal adaptation to Switzerland professional P3D V4 and ORBX
Link correlati a "Airport Birrfeld professional"

Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D V4.x/V5.x
Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64bit)
Prozessor: Quad-Core 3,5 GHz
RAM: 16 GB DDR4-RAM (2666 MHz)
Videocard: 8 GB VRAM (DirectX 11)
Download-Size: 42 MB

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