FSDG - Dutch Harbor X

18,40 € *

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  • AS11200
  • Aerosoft
  • Thorsten Reichert
  • 1.10
The Aleutian Islands must be one of the most remote places in North America, extending about... altro
Informazione prodotto "FSDG - Dutch Harbor X"

The Aleutian Islands must be one of the most remote places in North America, extending about 1,200 miles from the Alaska Peninsula into the Bering Sea toward the Kamchatka Peninsula. Despite its enormous size, the chain of more than 300 volcanic islands have just  a bit over 8,000 inhabitants, most of them living on Unalaska Island.

There is a reason why the small town of Unalaska is known further than you would expect for a city located in no man's land, somewhere between the U.S. and Russia: its port facilities "Dutch Harbor". Named by Russians because they believed that a Dutch vessel was the first European ship to enter the harbor, this port is the largest commercial fishing port of the United States.

This would sound impressing for lovers of ship or fishing simulators, but why did we create a FSX add-on covering Dutch Harbor? The answer is simply: challenge! Very few airports in the world are as much of a challenge for any pilot trying to master it, be it in a Boeing 737 or in a Twin Otter.

With over 250 rainy days a year, constant fogs, heavy crosswinds floating over the mountains from the Bering Sea and average winter temperatures that stay well below freezing it is enough to trouble even the most experienced pilots. And if the weather conditions are not challenging enough, the towering mountains on almost all sides of the airport force the pilot to fly a difficult circling approach with a tight turn to line up with the 3,900ft long runway.



  • Custom terrain, landclass and LOD11 mesh of the Aleutian Islands (see map for coverage)
  • Custom landclass, textures and seasons
  • Dutch Harbor scenery with port, town, landmarks and airport
  • Custom night effects
  • Runway lights (on request)
  • Additional airfields and villages:
    • Nikolski Airfield
    • Akutan Seaplane Base
    • Chernofski Seaplane Base
    • Fort Glenn Air Force Base (abandoned)
    • Driftwood Bay Air Force Station (abandoned)
  • Additional landmarks and WWII relicts
  • Volcano effects
  • Tutorial mission and adjusted default missions
  • Free flights with typical weather conditions
  • DX10 compatible


Awards / Reviews:

Conclusion by Avsim.com:
"During the time I spent in Dutch Harbor X, I was able to do the type of flying I rarely am able to in the lower 48 states where I normally fly. Between the precarious location, and terrible weather, there aren’t many airports that are as tricky as Dutch Harbor. When the wind calms down enough to fly however, you are able to enter an incredible world of custom objects and landclass that span a large part of the Aleutian island chain. There was always something new and interesting to explore in the area, and I doubt I saw everything. From the chilly summer, to the harsh winter Dutch Harbor X offers a challenge for all pilots, be it wrestling a plane onto the runway at Unalaska, sightseeing at the WWII historical areas, splashing down in a bay to provide vital supplies to a small town, or just setting the weather to clear and enjoying the sights and sounds of flying around in one of the most remote areas of the world. I thoroughly enjoyed my time flying around Dutch Harbor X, and highly recommend it to any pilot interested in a challenge, bush flying, Alaska in general, or Deadliest catch..."

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Conclusion by simFlight.com:
"This scenery proved to be great fun and has some spectacular scenery and will be a winner with every pilot looking for adventure or wanting to discover the beauty of this wilderness offers. It can be a nice distraction from flying those large commercial jetliners. If you use a real world weather program you never know what you may be faced with when you fly the skies around Unalaska. Are you up to the challenge because this scenery can put your piloting skills to the test!"

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Conclusion by Mutleyshangar.com:
"Aerosoft have gone above and beyond what the add-on title suggests and provided much more than just an airport; the extended scenery range, extra scenery at airports, volcano effects and missions all help to offset the fact that the usual high detail is not available. With everything combined this is a very attractive package and will be a firm favourite with bush flyers and those who love hard approaches. When writing a review at Mutley's Hangar we like to give scoring based on how well the add-on meets what it sets out to do. Scoring will always begin at 10/10 with points deducted as necessary. When taking everything into consideration I can only find 1 fault with this add-on, and that is the cars falling through the scenery and not being able to land the helicopters on the ships in the port. Only a minor niggle but I am please to give this add-on a Mutley’s Hangar score of 9/10"

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Link correlati a "FSDG - Dutch Harbor X"

Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX SP2 (or Acceleration)
Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 (fully updated)
2.0 GHz processor (Intel Core 2 Duo highly recommended)
2 GB RAM internal memory
256 MB graphic card (512 Mb highly recommended)
Download-Size: 260 MB
Installation-Size: 600 MB
PDF reader for manual

Additional Downloads:
pdf Manual (English): >> Download here <<

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