Ultimate Terrain X - Canada V2

27,66 € *

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  • AS13702
  • Flight1
  • English
  • 2.0
Roads, Rivers, Streams, Bridges, Landclass, Waterclass, Custom Ground Polygons and more is... altro
Informazione prodotto "Ultimate Terrain X - Canada V2"

Roads, Rivers, Streams, Bridges, Landclass, Waterclass, Custom Ground Polygons and more is packed into Ultimate Terrain X.

Here are some of the advancements that have been added to UTX Canada V2.

  • A new multi-platform installer that supports all versions pf Prepar3D, FSX, and FSX Steam Edition in one download
  • The entire road and railroad data set for Canada has been replaced, based on brand new commercial road data licensed from DMTI Canada. This results in 40% more roads added over UTX Canada V2
  • Brand new landclass using the latest available data. This includes not only urban areas, but also vegetation landclass. The top 100 cities in Canada (by population) have been hand-classified for extreme accuracy
  • V2 adds new autogen lighting to all UTX roads
  • All new ground polygons including new versions for Cemeteries (5% more), Parks (46% more), Golf Courses (5% more) and Beaches (30% more)
  • New tunnels and tunnel entrances to match road and railroad features
  • Brand new Power Line autogen coverage, including Power Station polygons and custom objects
  • Extrusion bridge objects have been improved. Over 4 ½ times more bridges included in V2 over V1
  • Improvements to stream and water data
  • Several texture improvements
  • Outstanding enhancement requests reported in UTX Canada V1 have been added to V2

Highways, Roads, Streets
Ultimate Terrain X takes improvements to FSX roads one step further, by providing all the available road types from the DMTI commercial data set, instead of just highways and most major roads.

The Ultimate Terrain X road textures are also very high resolution, matching the 1 meter landclass textures currently in FSX. Plus, the Ultimate Terrain X road texture types can be custom configured.

Having improved road textures is nice. But what really make our roads stand out, is the attention to detail, using road encasements and custom ground polygons for the interchange areas. This can make a huge difference in the urban road appearances as you will see.

3D Extrusion bridges are displayed for as needed for roads that cross water, roads or other bridges. If you like the look of the moving road traffic in FSX, you will love the moving traffic in Ultimate Terrain X. Ultimate Terrain X greatly expands the moving traffic coverage areas in FSX.

We even include dark tunnel entrances for those tunnel roads that disappear underground.

Shorelines, Coastlines, Rivers, Streams
Anyone who is familiar with our Ultimate Terrain product for FS9/FS2004, knows that our products use the absolute premium commercial water data available for each of our product regions. This water data is the most accurate and detailed data available at any cost.

In addition to the standard coastline textures in FSX, Ultimate Terrain X takes coastlines to a whole new level, by including higher resolution rocky coastline textures, sandy beaches, concrete piers, freshwater dams, and man-made breakers. The coastline textures blend the edges of the water bodies with the land.

All oceanic coastlines have been classified by hand to give them a more appropriate look.

In the major metropolitan areas, FSX improved the body accuracy and details compared to FS9/FS2004. But outside of the metropolitan areas, there are still major missing water features and/or inaccurately positioned features. Ultimate Terrain X will add detailed water features throughout the entire covered region.

In addition to the quality source data, we have now enhanced our water features by adding more variety to the coastlines. Also, we have provided multiple waterclass options that will change the water color associated with lakes, rivers and oceans.

Ultimate Terrain X also takes advantage of our new "Radial Elevation Theory" algorithm, which allows for nicely channeled rivers that cut right through areas of extreme elevation changes. This new algorithm virtually eliminates the sloping water problems that are common with terrain hugging rivers.

Brand new complete landclass across Canada coverage (both urban and vegetation). Urban landclass is based of newly available commercial data allowing for much better classification of cities. The top 100 cities in Canada by population have been hand-classified for extreme accuracy.

Waterclass options are a unique feature of Ultimate Terrain X that controls the coloring and style of the water features for various locations around the world. Ultimate Terrain enhances the default FSX water by providing 4 different waterclass choices:

  • Blue water tint
  • Plankton/Algae bloom tint
  • Muddy water tint
  • Muddy water with Plankton bloom tint
  • Water colors can vary dramatically between seasons. And, many users have different opinions on how their water environment should look. So, Ultimate Terrain X gives you the multiple options

Additional corrected airports have been added so that undesired traffic and water encroachments are eliminated from misplaced airports.

Commercial data is used for all railroads. Ultimate Terrain X further improves the look of railroads using higher resolution textures, railroad track encasement textures, railyard ground textures, and tunnel entrances.

3D bridge objects are also placed where railroad tracks cross water, other roads and bridges.

Night Lighting
If you purchased our previous Ultimate Terrain products, you know that our night lighting is a unique feature in this hobby.

UTX V2 includes new autogen lighting that is both beautiful and highly configurable, giving you the flexibility to tune your environment to your liking. Using the supplied interface, users can assign any type of supplied light color to any type of road in UTX. You can also specify the spacing between lights, densities and sizes. UTX Autogen Lights illuminate the ground below the lamp. If you don't like the ground lighting, simply select a different object library. If you want to change the light spot brightness, just select one of the different textures. It's your choice.

In addition to those already supplied, future additional object libraries and lighting textures will be made available as desired.

Ground Textures
Ultimate Terrain X includes custom ground textures for specialized areas (note that these are specialized textures and not general texture replacements like our Ground Environment product). These ground textures differ from landclass, because they take on the exact size and shape of the terrain feature in the real world.

In FSX, special ground textures are already used for city parks and golf courses, but in addition to the parks and golf courses, Ultimate Terrain X provides many other ground polygon features that are unique to Ultimate Terrain X.

  • Beaches
  • Glaciers
  • Cemeteries
  • Highway Interchanges
  • Tunnel Entrances
  • Railroad Yards
  • Small Islands
  • Parking Lots
  • Power Stations
  • Grassy, Forest, or Concrete areas for landmark features

Object Repositioning
To make sure that the current custom FSX objects line up with the Ultimate Terrain X scenery, we have repositioned many objects to better align with the Ultimate Terrain X road and water features. This includes things like buildings, ships, docks, and custom bridge objects (i.e. the Golden Gate Bridge).

Ultimate Terrain Setup Tool
We know that a great number of Flight Simulator enthusiasts like to tweak their environments to meet their own personal expectations and needs. As a result, Ultimate Terrain X was designed from the ground up, to provide a near total configurable environment.

Advanced users will marvel at the fact that they can have different textures assigned to nearly every Ultimate Terrain feature. For example, you can change the sizes of things like stream widths, road widths and coastline widths using the new Ultimate Terrain X Setup Tool.

The new setup tool also allows novice users to get up and running quickly and the advanced user to have unprecedented configurability over their Ultimate Terrain environment.

Link correlati a "Ultimate Terrain X - Canada V2"

Microsoft Flight Simulator X, FSX: Steam Edition or Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D V3-V5
Windows 7 or higher
2.4 GHz processor
1 MB video card
4 GB hard drive space

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