Mega Airport Rome (FS2004)

25,58 € *

Prezzi incl. 22% IVA

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  • AS12541
  • Aerosoft
  • DreamFactoryStudio
  • 1.02
Fly to Italy´s major airport "Fiumicino-Leonardo Da Vinci"! Our Add-On Mega Airport Rome widens... altro
Informazione prodotto "Mega Airport Rome (FS2004)"

Fly to Italy´s major airport "Fiumicino-Leonardo Da Vinci"! Our Add-On Mega Airport Rome widens our selection of Italian airport with the sixths busiest European airport.

The developer team Dreamfactory has developed this highly detailed airport re- creating the atmosphere of Alitalia´s major hub. A high resolution aerial image is the foundation of the ground layout, nearly all buildings and objects have been modeled in original detail. All runways, taxiways and signs are placed correctly.

In addition it also has AESLite (courtesy of Oliver Pabst implemented with airport ground traffic, cars, buses, service vehicles run by an intelligent logic. Fly to the “eternal city” and enjoy and dive into “La Dolce Vita”.


  • Highly detailed representation of the airport Rome Fiumicino LIRF for FS2004
  • Photo real textures on buildings, vehicles, etc.
  • Most buildings at the airport are represented
  • High resolution aerial image
  • High resolution apron, taxiway and runway textures
  • Detailed grass textures
  • Numerous dynamic objects such as apron vehicles; road and train traffic (AESLite)
  • Compatible with standard-AI traffic and AI-Traffic Add-ons
  • Charts included
  • Manual in English and German
Link correlati a "Mega Airport Rome (FS2004)"

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium IV 2.6 GHz or higher
280 MB free memory on your hard disk
3D graphic card with 256 MB (512 MB recommended)
Installations-Size: 350 MB
Download-Size: 160 MB

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