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153 Da 154
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London City Airport X
London City Airport X
All published procedures include steep 5.5 degrees glide slopes. And all non commercial traffic, single engine or even single pilot operated aircraft are not welcome! Clearly not a standard airport and exactly for that reason this small...
  13,28 € *
Lord Howe Island X
Lord Howe Island X
Take off from the local airport and enjoy this beautiful Island in the Tasman Sea close to Australia. Recreated with the latest FSX technologies and done right to the smallest detail (you will learn how to read a newspaper in FSX!) it is...
  15,33 € *
Huey X
Huey X
The Bell UH-1 is without a doubt one of the best known helicopters to most people. It was imprinted in our culture by the moving images from the Vietnam War were it changed the face of warfare. And it never left as thousands are still...
  28,65 € *
Venice X
Venice X
For some customers this will be the third version of Venice they will buy and all of these versions were done by Andras Kozma, one of our favourite developers. He will bring his unique style and superb feel for colours and shapes to...
  28,65 € *
Tahiti X
Tahiti X
Enjoy the beauty of the French Polynesian Islands in Flight Simulator X. Tahiti X includes almost the complete archipelago covering 14 islands and 9 airports with a detailed mesh and many animations. Of course this product should have...
  18,40 € *
African Airstrip Adventures
African Airstrip Adventures
African Airstrip Adventures (AAA) is a cross over product that merges an advanced mission mode with high definition scenery. This addon will bring you closer to the fascination, the wildlife and the beauty of Kenya/Africa. The African...
  25,58 € *
Carenado - M20J Mooney (FSX)
Carenado - M20J Mooney (FSX)
Fly the "Porsche of the skies"! Eperience a new feel for flying with the Mooney M20J by the famous Carenado development team. Set new speed records. This FSX version includes a highly detailed interior and exterior model, full moving and...
  30,38 € *
Wilco Aviation & Mission - 737 Pilot in Command
Wilco Publishing
Wilco Aviation & Mission - 737 Pilot in Command
Whatever your flying skills, Aviation & Mission has something for every pilot. For novices , Aviation & Mission will guide you in a gentle and friendly manner through all aspects of general aircraft handling, from a ‘cold and dark’...
  15,33 € *
Natural Point - TrackIR 5 Standard Set
Natural Point
TrackIR 5+Hat+Manual
Natural Point - TrackIR 5 Standard Set
Nichts für schwache Nerven! Entdecken Sie den TrackIR Vorteil - Put Your Head in the Game! TrackIR verändert alles! Mit einem weiten Sichtfeld, einer hohen Bildrate und der 6DoF-Tracking-Technologie erhöht das TrackIR 5 das...
  205,03 € *
Track Clip Pro
Natural Point
Natural Point - Track Clip Pro
Bring Head Tracking to Your Headset! The perfect TrackIR™ accessory that attaches to your over-the-ear headsets. Combined with a TrackIR, the TrackClip Pro delivers precise 6 degrees of freedom view control. On your favorite headset, the...
  61,50 € *
Ultimate Terrain X - USA
Ultimate Terrain X - USA
Roads, Rivers, Streams, Bridges, Landclass, Waterclass, and more is packed into Ultimate Terrain X for the entire USA. Highways, Roads, Streets The FSX roads are a big improvement over FS9 (FS2004). However, Ultimate Terrain X takes the...
  32,78 € *
VFR Germany 3 - Süd
VFR Germany 3 - Süd
Überfliegen Sie Ihr Haus im Microsoft Flight Simulator! Diese Serie macht wahr, wovon Piloten und Flugsimulator-Fans schon seit Jahren träumen: Eine komplette Sichtflugszenerie von Deutschland basierend auf hochaufgelösten Luftbildern...
  49,16 € *
153 Da 154