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Aerosoft, sim-wings
La Palma X La Palma, the next sequel of the "Canary Islands" scenery series by SimWings for your Flight Simulator, is now awaiting your visit. Nick named the "Green Island" for its vivid vegetation, the add-on comes with a high resolution ground...
20,45 € *
Aerosoft, sim-wings
El Hierro X The airport and island of El Hierro is the first of the long awaited scenery series "Canary Islands" by SimWings for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Though the island is the smallest of the Canaries it has a beautiful charm and its...
17,38 € *
Aerosoft, sim-wings
Gibraltar X Gibraltar is a special place. It’s a bit of Great Britain on the Iberian peninsula with an amazing geography. When you look at the map you understand why Great Britain wanted to keep hold of it. Amazing high detailed VFR scenery of...
19,43 € *