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Airport Erfurt for P3D V4 The airport of Erfurt-Weimar (formerly known as Airport Erfurt) is the smallest international airport of Germany. It is located in Bindersleben, approx. 6 km from the city centre of Erfurt. Traffic statistics show more than 10.000 air...
18,10 € *
Aerosoft, sim-wings
Canary Islands professional - La Gomera Located in the very south of the island, the “Aeropuerto de La Gomera” serves as the regional connection hub of the second-smallest of the Canaries. This part of sim-wings’ Canary Islands professional series recreates the airport of La...
22,13 € *
Just Flight London
VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 2: Central... VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D is the next generation of Just Flight’s hugely popular VFR Real Scenery series. The NexGen 3D software uses the very latest 25cm and 50cm aerial images at 1.2m ‘in sim’ resolution, rising to 60cm around...
30,95 € *
Mega Airport London Heathrow professional Line up on the „String of Pearls“ and land on Europe’s busiest airport London Heathrow. The award winning Sim-wings Team has once again pushed the limits of modelling a perfect mega hub with Mega Airport London Heathrow professional...
34,24 € *
France VFR
Basse Normandie VFR P3D V4/V5 Scène photo-réaliste représentant la région Basse Normandie en textures haute définition de 1 mètre/pixel, mesh très haute définition 4,75 mètres, couverture autogen et 3D complète, nombreux objets et repères VFR (phares, ponts, ports,...
34,90 € *
FSDG - Bremen Home to the Bremen Town Musicians, worlds of discovery, Hanseatic heritage and aerospace expertise – Bremen is a destination with a wide-ranging appeal. With FSDG - Bremen you now have the perfect gateway to the city for your virtual...
25,20 € *
France VFR
NEXTMesh FRANCE P3D V4/V5 NEXTMesh FRANCE modélise le relief de l’intégralité du territoire français dans une résolution inédite de 4,75 mètres (LOD13) ainsi que celui des DOM (Départements d'Outre-mer). Cette version n’est pas une mise à jour de l’ancien produit...
39,90 € *
Just Flight London
VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D – Vol. 1: Southern... VFR Real Scenery NexGen 3D is the next generation of Just Flight’s hugely popular VFR Real Scenery series. The NexGen 3D software uses the very latest 25cm and 50cm aerial images at 1.2m ‘in sim’ resolution, rising to 60cm around...
30,95 € *
France VFR
Obstacles & VFR Landmarks v3 - FRANCE P3D V4/V5 "Obstacles & repères VFR – FRANCE" est un complément scénique pour Lockheed Martin Prepar3D V4/V5 qui couvre l’ensemble du territoire français et permet d’ajouter au décor plus de 500 000 objets, incluant la quasi totalité des obstacles...
34,90 € *
Approaching Dortmund The scenery Approaching Dortmund is a complete implementation of the city of Dortmund in the flight simulator. In addition to the common urban area, the German airports 2 airport EDLW, and the airfield Hengsen-Opherdicke (EO08) as well...
20,12 € *
France VFR
Nord-Pas de Calais VFR P3D V4/V5 Scène photo-réaliste représentant la région Nord-Pas de Calais pour P3D V4/V5 en textures haure définition de 1 mètre/pixel, mesh très haute définition 4,75 mètres, couverture autogen et 3D complète, nombreux objets et repères VFR...
39,90 € *
Airport Speck-Fehraltorf professional Now fly to the Airport Speck-Fehraltorf in Switzerland in your fllight simulator! Highlights: Highly detailed airfield scenery of Speck-Fehraltorf optimized for P3D V4/V5 Breathtaking night lighting High resolution, photo realistic...
18,15 € *