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Aerosoft A318/A319 professional

P3D V4.5/V5.2
Shipping item
60,49 € *

Prix incl. 20% TVA plus frais de port

Prêt à expédier immédiatement, délai de livraison env. 1-3 jours **

60,45 € *

Prix incl. 20% TVA

Disponible en tant que téléchargement immédiat

  • AS14206
  • Aerosoft
  • Aerosoft, Pad-Labs
  • Deutsch/English
  • 4015918142069
  • (P3D V5)
La famille des A320 est très fréquente l’espace aérien. Ces courts et moyens courriers
Informations sur le produit "Aerosoft A318/A319 professional"

La famille des A320 est très fréquente l’espace aérien. Ces courts et moyens courriers ont prouvé leurs intérêts économiques, leurs fiabilités ainsi que leur accessibilité. Dans le monde elle ainsi devenue le meilleur choix pour les compagnies aériennes. Plus de 8000 exemplaires d’appareils ont été construits. Les systèmes intégrés sont entièrement automatisés et permettent aux pilotes de suivre et gérer les phases de vol.

Aerosoft A318/A319 suit la lignée des nouveaux développements pour lesquels presque toutes les versions précédentes ont révisées ou recréees, cette idée restant l’un de fondement essentiel. L'utilisation de ce produit rend l‘experience de vol très proche de celle d’un pilote en conditions réelles - depuis l’interaction avec le MCDU jusqu’à l’ouverture de la porte du poste de pilotage suivant les procédures adéquate.

Il s’agit d’un projet sous plateforme 64 bits qui fait à appel toutes les dernières technologies et autres compilateurs, Cela rend le produit très stable et peu gourmand sur votre système. Il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’un produit 32 bits recompilé.

Le coffret se scinde en deux :

  • Aerosoft A318/A319 professional
  • Aerosoft A320/A321 professional

Les possesseurs des versions précédentes se verront offrir une remise intéressante.

Caractéristiques :
Général :

  • Simulation de l’Airbus A318/A319 mettant l’accent sur l’opération quotidienne de l’avion selon la vue du pilote
  • Modélisation de la version actuelle du cockpit (avec les écrans LCD et ADIRS)
  • Des textures fantastiques basées sur les dernières technologies, permet des hautes fréquences d’images
  • Lumières et éclairages proviennant en partie du Dynamic Lights de P3D V4, et réalisées partiellement par RealLight (de TFDi Design)
  • Averses et effets antipluie complets avec TrueGlass (de TFDi Design)
  • Des douzaines d’animations non-standard avec tous les effets sonores (des pare-soleil, des fenêtres, des tables, une barre, un strapontin, des gouvernes abaissées etc.). Toutes les portes principales et les écoutilles peuvent être ouvertes. Beaucoup d’options pour afficher les objets au sol (des cônes, groupe de démarrage au sol etc.) permettant l’alimentation externe
  • Serveur Internet compris permettant l’utilisation du MCDU avec n’importe quel navigateur internet ; idéal pour tablette PC
  • Des manuels compréhensifs avec un document très détaillé pas à pas
  • Système de vue add-in : ajoute beaucoup de vues prédéfinies pour une utilisation simple, émule des vues 2D du cockpit
  • Système de son add-in : ajoute des centaines de sons de fond afin d’augmenter l’immersion
  • Intègration un copilote semi-intelligent qui pourra vous assister dans les vols ou le déroulement des checklists

Systèmes :

  • Des systèmes « fly-by-wire » complètement sur mesure avec protection du domaine de vol, protection de décrochage, limitation de tangage et de roulis, limitation de la force g, protection de survitesse, protection Alpha Floor, auto trim.
  • Systèmes de pilotage automatique complètement sur mesure avec toute la fonction CAT III Auto-Land, V/S, CLB/DES géré, OP CLB/DES, modes heading et NAV. Avec VNAV et LNAV. Avec FPA/TRK.
  • FADEC, manette de gaz avec des positionneurs, décollage FLEX
  • MCDU complet (peut être contrôlé à partir d’un navigateur Internet, par exemple sur des tablettes). En plus, on peut entrer des données utilisant le clavier
  • Des plans de vol soutiennent des SIDs, des STARs, des transitions, des approches, des remises de gaz, des circuits d’attente, montée et descente gérée, des contraintes ainsi que l’édition de routage direct-to
  • Avec VOR tracking, DMC arcs soutenus
  • Avec la base de données de navigation de NavDataPro (LIDO) mais compatible avec Navigraph. Avec les données AIRAC actuelles au moment de la sortie (l’utilisateur peut les mettre à jour à tout moment)
  • Avec tout le FS2Crew Runway Awareness and Advisory System (une valeur d’EUR 30 !) - verrouillé à cet avion
  • Avec 28 pages ECAM, montrant d’information d’intérêt sur l’avion
  • Système ADIRS complet
  • Système TCAS complet (avec des avertissements acoustiques) pour le trafic IA, IVAO, VATSIM
  • Système de bus électrique complètement sur mesure avec déchargement de la batterie et voltage
  • Module complet de chargement et de refuelling (interface avec le simulateur en mode simple ou avancé.
  • Ecran de navigation avec des routes courbes, des degrés de détail différents, chronomètre, aide de navigation, renseignements concernant les pistes, sélection du rayon d’action et du mode, etc. Avec l’option Terrain Display
  • Imprimante cockpit fonctionnelle pour éditer les informations que vous souhaitez conserver en mains.
  • Radar météorologique complètement fonctionnelle avec manuel et multiscan. Compatible avec TOUS les add-ons météorologiques (et même sans un add-on météorologique) et lit les conditions météorologiques réelles insérées dans P3D. Il s’agit d’un développement unique. Il s’agit d’un développement unique. Il indique également les parasites au sol transformant WX en un outil de navigation.

Caractéristiques supplémentaires :

  • La barre (Tiller) peut être opéré à partir d’un axe additionnel
  • Freinage avancé avec des températures de freins réalistes (basé sur les freins en carbone Goodrich)
  • Modélisation des moteurs complètement mises à jour, poussée extrêmement exacte, EPR, N1, N2, EGT, FF
  • Avec 13 modèles A320 et A321 et 15 livrées. Plus de 2000 autres habillages disponibles
  • Divers sons de fond du personnel de cabine, de l’équipage et de l’ATC (facultatif)
  • Barre de sélection pour basculer facilement entre divers vues 2D (11) et vues 3D (16)
  • Contient 16 listes de vérification en total de « COCKPIT PREPARATION » à « PARKING »
  • Des listes de vérification commencent surtout automatiquement dépendant de la situation de vol, par exemple, « BEFORE TAKEOFF CL » commence automatiquement quand l’avion arrive le point d’attente sur la piste, « DESCENT PREPARATION CL » commence 9 NM avant TOD etc.
  • Des éléments de la liste de vérification parlés par le PF et confirmés par le PnF
  • PnF peut également effectuer certains réglages (train d’atterrissage, volet etc.) que figurent sur les listes de vérification (facultatif)
  • Barre d’info affiche les prochaines étapes
  • L’option de mettre P3D en pause 10 NM avant TOD ou au prochain point de cheminement
  • Service au sol (affichez/cachez des objets externes, des cales, des pylônes, GPU)
  • Contrôle des portes (opération de toutes les portes et écoutilles)
  • Produit de rang 1 pour le PMDG Global Flight Operations

Here you can find current Paintkits for this version: >>download here<<

Liens supplémentaires vers "Aerosoft A318/A319 professional"
  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3DV4.5.x or V5.x
  • Système d’exploitation : Microsoft Windows 10 (64bit) (Versions plus anciennes non testées)
  • Processeur : Intel Core™ i5 (i7 recommandé) or AMD Ryzen 5 (Ryzen 7 recommandé)
  • Mémoire vive : 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommandé)
  • Carte graphique : 3 GB VRAM (DirectX 11), e.g. GeForce GTX 1050 (6 GB, GTX 1070 recommandé)
  • Joystick avec axe de puissance et gouverne de direction
  • Taille de téléchargement: 890 Mo

Laptops are not recommended, unless they are gaming laptops that can sustain their performance without thermal throttling.

Following upgrade options are available when purchasing the "Aerosoft A318/A319 professional":

  • Airbus A318/A319 (Download | Box) Aerosoft A318/A319 professional (Download | Box): 
    29,98 € incl. 19% VAT (25,19 € ex VAT) | Box29,99 € incl. 19% VAT (25,20 € ex VAT)
  • Airbus A320/A321 (Download | Box) Aerosoft A318/A319 professional (Download | Box): 
    DL › 29,98 € incl. 19% VAT (25,19 € ex VAT) | Box29,99 € incl. 19% VAT (25,20 € ex VAT)
  • Aerosoft A320/A321 professional (Download | Box) Aerosoft A318/A319 professional (Download | Box): 
    DL › 29,98 € incl. 19% VAT (25,19 € ex VAT) | Box29,99 € incl. 19% VAT (25,20 € ex VAT)

Therefore please enter your serial key of one of the products listed above in the voucher field at the checkout.

*Prices may deviate depending on your local sales tax [VAT].

Version Hotfix:

  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with panel states on installer

Version Full new build:

  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with WebSimBrowser for the EFB not installing in some cases
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with CFD files that prevented the use of CFD
  • Bug Fix: Fixed spoiler lever keyboard controls not working after TCA update
  • Bug Fix: Fixed TRUE HDG indication on the PFD

Version Full new build:

  • Bug Fix: Various small fixes in the checklists
  • Bug Fix: Corrected the radial in line course
  • Bug Fix: Heading line was visible on LOC capture during radial in direct
  • Bug Fix: At least one engine has to be started before GW indication is displayed on E/WD
  • Improvement: Added support for Thrustmaster TCA custom flaps and speedbrake lever mode (see forum announcement for additional details)
  • Improvement: ALT defaults to managed now on the panel states

Version Stable release:

  • Bug Fix: Various fixes and improvements in the checklists
  • Bug Fix: Fixed radial in course not being correctly aligned
  • Improvement: Fuel planner figures adjusted

Version Stable release:

  • Bug Fix: Possible fix for EXT PWR not working in some cases then loading and aircraft state
  • Improvement: Disabled the function where toe brakes automatically released the parking brake
  • Improvement: Bringing checklist functions to the A330 level and other major improvements on the checklist (for further information about checklist changes check:

Version Full new release for P3D V5

Version - full new build:

  • Bug Fix: EFB folder path full unicode support to fix issue with special characters
  • Bug Fix: Dive issue when speed increased
  • Bug Fix: Small fix for GSmini display
  • Bug Fix: After setting altimeter to STD it might have happened that former QNH still was set on according ND altimeter while STD displayed on BARO selector
  • Bug Fix: Fix for park brk desync issue in CFD
  • Improvement: A/THR response adapted for better turbulence handling
  • Improvement: Several small adjustments in ND like heading bug visible with preselected HDG on FCU
  • Improvement: Several adjustments with STEP ALTS implementation
  • Improvement: Several speed flags and protection speeds and logics improved
  • Improvement: Multiple fixes in holdings line drawing
  • Improvement: COMs frequency spacing changed from 25kHz to now 8.33kHz

Version - EXPERIMENTAL (only full new build):

  • New feature: EFB with NDP and Navigraph support
  • Improvements: Engine start logic Improvement
  • Improvements: Pacs logic Improvement
  • Improvements: Added SID and Arrival to CFD sync
  • Improvements: Changes MCDU menu
  • Improvements: Conditions to show rising runway
  • Improvements: GSX2 implementation updated
  • Improvements: Cabin Crew Announcements - Cabin lights call during climb - Now also considers position of OVH light switch
  • Improvements: Minor changes to printout position
  • Improvements: Avoiding issues with 3rd party replacement of default files (ohhh please, never do that....)
  • Improvements: Changed default bag weight to 25 Kg
  • Improvements: Changes to fuel planner so users can edit amount and CG
  • Improvements: After GO-AROUND checklist now proceeds (CLIMB or NEW APPROACH)
  • Bug fix: Fuel display now correctly colored
  • Bug fix: Small issues in CORTE selection and WIND pages
  • Bug fix: QNH decrepancy when inHg was selected solved
  • Bug fix: MCDU freeze issue solved
  • Bug fix: Resetting of APU state avoided
  • Bug Fix: Landing call memo now triggered correctly
  • Bug fix: Fixes in FPLN page on landing phase
  • Bug fix: Further fixes in DES page predictions


  • Improvements: Reworked YAW bar mode
  • Improvements: Cosmetic changes to MCDU
  • Improvements: Taxi light intensity issue solved
  • Improvements: Fuel Planner fuel calculation adjusted
  • Improvements: MCDU fuel calculation adjusted
  • Bug fix: Not all doors triggered by GSX
  • Bug fix: Yaw bar mode issue solved
  • Bug fix: CAT2 issue solves
  • Bug fix: Elevator drop issue fixed


  • Full new build to include A330 technology


  • Bug Fix: Fix wrong calculation of deceleration point in geo descent
  • Bug Fix: Several sync issues solved for CFD
  • Bug Fix: Fix for doors issues in Turn Around State
  • Bug Fix: Fix for incorrect fuel burn from Center tank
  • Bug Fix: Retard call prevented on take-off in CFD mode
  • Bug Fix: IRS not aligning is some cases fixed        
  • Improvement: Tweaks to PFD display
  • Improvement: 2D MCDU resized to avoid overlapping windows
  • Improvement: Tweaks to Procedure Turns
  • Improvement: vPilot second radio Rx on/off control from aircraft radio panel added
  • Improvement: FADEC logic overauled to prepare for A330


  • Bug Fix: Fixes in STAR loading via CO RTE
  • Bug Fix: excessive COMPANY MSG message after loading a saved flight
  • Bug Fix: Issues with cockpit printer corrected
  • Bug Fix: Diverse issues in IRS INIT corrected   
  • Improvement: Tweaks to PFD display
  • Improvement: Added more align IRS time steps
  • Imrpovement: A few last items synced in Connected Flight Deck
  • Improvement: ECAM indication changed from "NO PED" to "NO PORTABLE DEVICES"
  • Improvement: Multiple changes to speed management
  • Improvement: Refinements to GSX2 implementation   
  • Improvement: Refinements to Checklists


  • Bug Fix: Issue with doors states fixed
  • Bug Fix: Incorrect deletion of the DISCON after selecting an approach
  •  Bug Fix: inHG Altimeter dot added
  • Bug Fix: Issues with multiple VORs with same code fixed
  • Bug Fix: Prevention of giganormous logfiles
  • Improvement: Finishing GSX2 interaction
  • Improvement: Demo of VC objects removed
  • Improvement: Possible fix for printer issues
  • Improvement: Some tweaks to PFD

Version - NON EXPERIMENTAL (save you liveries!):

  • Bug Fix: Avoiding CTD in Connected Flight Deck
  • Improvement: Finishing GSX2 interaction
  • Improvement: Refinements to Connected Flight Deck
  • Improvement: Vol1 manual updated


  • Bug Fix: Added ASC.cfg files missing from update


  • Bug Fix: State loading issues solved
  • Bug Fix: New versions of Connect Flight Deck (still alpha code)
  • Improvement: Further tweaks on GSX2 interaction
  • Improvement: Small tweak to VC graphics

Version - EXPERIMENTAL (Including Connected Flight Deck) Aso indicated as

  • Bug Fix: Fix in RAD NAV on VOR course
  • Bug Fix: Fixes in Loadsheet report, wrong values when not using the FuelPlanner
  • Bug Fix: Minor fix on RemoteCDU: it might be disabled under certain conditions.
  • Bug Fix: Fixes related to magnetic variation on WPTs shown on F-PLN page (multiple leg types)
  • Bug Fix: FMGS was totally locked up on PRINT ALL for WX reports
  • Bug Fix: Arrival airport data was sometimes unavailable when ALTN is also present, leading to issues like dashed UTC, EFOB etc.
  • Bug Fix: Occasional exception when scrolling the ARRIVALS page
  • Bug Fix: Fixes in F-PLN page, spd/mach and alt values displayed incorrectly, constraints displayed incorrectly
  • Bug Fix: During fire test the engine fault light on pedestal now nolonger comes on
  • Bug Fix: ELEC: GEN1+GEN2 "OFF" light logic inverted
  • Bug Fix: HYD: ECAM page: Status of HYD pumps inverted
  • Bug Fix: CTD happened on HOLD at PPOS
  • Bug Fix: Clearing the Flaps/Trim settings on RWY change
  • Bug Fix: TO SHIFT clearing manually and also automatically on RWY change
  • Bug Fix: PROG page: manually entered required RNP value was being overwritten, and also wrong font size;
  • Bug Fix: PSD placement on a curve was incorrect, e.g. LEMD ILS32RZ VIA ASBIN
  • Bug Fix: REPORT page: it was totally blank when the arrival airport wasn't selected.
  • Bug Fix: CTD on WX request with the wind speed given in other units
  • Bug Fix: ACARS: the wind speed from METAR REPORT wasn't converted when storing values (if given in different units, KMH or MPS)
  • Bug Fix: the RNP value wasn't synced with FO MCDU
  • Bug Fix: incorrect indication for the RNP value with precision
  • Bug Fix: enormous curves on ND caused by invalid navaid coordinates, if navaid isn't present in the active navdata
  • Improvement: Connected Flight Deck activated for Open Beta
  • Improvement: Tweaks to QNH/STD
  • Improvement: More tweaks to PFD
  • Improvement: ECAM COND: Temp drop to OAT made faster again when packs are switched off
  • Improvement: GCS switch of WXR now springloaded to AUTO position
  • Improvement: Multiple changes to DUPLICATES page
  • Improvement: Tweaks for GSX2
  • Improvement: layout for prints improved
  • Improvement: ELEC: Several internal adaptations to match newer BUS logic from A320
  • Improvement: Dual Input sounds added

Version - EXPERIMENTAL:              

  • Bug Fix: Updates of GSX2 compatibility
  • Bug Fix: Issues with brake fan sounds solved
  • Bug Fix: AUTO ELEV value in CAB PRESS ECAM page was always 100 feet too high, now correct
  • Bug Fix: CVR GCTRL logic corrected
  • Bug Fix: APU RPM corrected for IAE engines
  • Bug Fix: CTD issues with print avoided
  • Bug Fix: Flaps/trim now corrected reset on runways change
  • Bug Fix: Speed/mach and alt values on F-PLN pages corrected
  • Bug Fix: Constrains displays incorrectly
  • Bug Fix: Display of MagVar for WPTs on F-PLN corrected
  • Improvement: Minor tweaks to PROG and REPORT pages
  • Improvement: Minor graphical tweaks to PFD
  • Improvement: Minor functional tweaks to PFD
    • Added RNP AR capability….L/DEV
    • Added DH indication
    • Added MDA indication
    • Added landing elevation indication
    • Added tailstrike pitch indication
  • Improvement: Logic behind CPT BARO and ISIS BARO changed
  • Improvement: Print margins
  • Improvement: ET timers now reset on loading Cold & Dark and Turn Around


  • Bug Fix: Better prevention of Stuka dives
  • Bug Fix: Brake fan sound played more reliably
  • Bug Fix: WHEEL ECAM pages corrected temperature indications
  • Bug Fix: Possible fix for missing paper in printer              
  • Improvement: Removed obsolete sounds
  • Improvement: Printer sound shortened
  • Improvement: Latest tweaks to printouts
  • Improvement: PFD markers updated to 2019 Airbus standard
  • Improvement: Background lighting for several displays unlinked from Shift-L
  • Improvement: ECAM COND Temp drop to OAT significantly slowed down when both packs are switched off
  • Improvememt: MAG VAR for runways corrected when using Navigraph

Version - NON EXPERIMENTAL (save you liveries!):

  • Bug Fix: Problems with Chrono fixed
  • Bug Fix: Some fuel systems issues solved
  • Improvement: ND elements updated to newer Airbus standard
  • Improvement: Better GSX2 support
  • Improvement: More and corrected AIDS prints
  • Improvement: Corrected AoA on flare
  • Improvement: Silenced 60/70 feet AGL calls
  • Improvement: Better fonts for FCU, COMS etc
  • Improvement: ND Runway drawing now includes MAGVAR


  • Bug Fix: Checklist 'Leave Runway on southern hemisphere' issue fixed   
  • Improvement: All checklist and ASC files included to prevent different version in use
  • Improvement: More items printed
  • Improvement: minor graphical tweaks in PFD (modern dot and donat)
  • Support: New loggin added to try to understand lost managed speed (will trigger log entree when speed is set under 120)


  • Bug fix: OPT ALT calculation short before reaching TOD:
  • Bug fix: REC MAX ALT calculation was so far directly connected to OPT ALT calculation with all its bugs...
  • Bug fix: Possible time compression (simulation speed factor) taken into account for fuel transfer from CTR to WING tanks
  • Bug Fix: Air condition now no longer operating when no BLEED AIR available (via ENGINES or APU) or when packs are off. It now slowly changes accordingly to adapt to ambient temp.
  • Bug Fix: ECAM page: Line color corrected right of HOT AIR valve to be amber if HOT AIR pbt off
  • Bug Fix: Level off symbol corrected
  • Bug Fix: possible for dive in managed descent
  • Bug Fix: Possible impact on SPD BRAKE messages related to recent CLB PERF adaptations corrected
  • Bug Fix: Only in A321: The CTR TK XFR "OFF" lights were still illuminated even at "Cold and Dark"
  • Bug fix OPT ALT: Could display "000" in case of flights shorter than 350nm (was the same for all aircraft types and weights)
  • Improvement: OPT ALT, REC MAX ALT and ANTI ICE corrections for A318 adapted according to RW tables (for A318 only they were partly estimated before as no charts available)
  • Improvement: "---" for VOR1 CRS now drawn only when no CRS value is entered in RAD NAV page of MCDU, if "000" is entered it is now displayed as "000" and handled like a "360".
  • Improvement: Recent fix related to APPR phase (see issue #1145), now enabled as default (no more INI).
  • Improvement: Changes in HOLD page: for holdings from the database, the corresponding text captions would be displayed now including the selection arrows
  • Improvement: Changes in HOLD page: for holdings not from the database, all the COMPUTED data would be loaded by default now, see issue #1037;
  • Improvement: Changes in holdings deletion: when deleting a hold in F-PLN page the following WPT (the same ID) will be also deleted now   
  • Improvement: Keyboard input module changed to avoid issue with non US keyboard
  • Improvement: DES speed updated
  • Improvement: AIR COND: Temp change slowed down a bit to make it more realistic
  • Improvement: VOR CDI skipped from drawing if no CRS value is entered in RAD NAV page of MCDU
  • Improvement: Printer flightlog report more data added - landing speed and landing distance
  • Improvement: WX report: alternate airport is now included in the default report
  • Improvement: Minor fixes for stability in AIDS print
  • Improvement: (MCDU3) OPTIONS / CHECKLIST: Approach Speed and 250 Knots Limiter - Bugs removed, variables adapted and functionality enhanced
  • Improvement: Checklist and Copilot function: Oxygen Crew Supply Check deleted from Turnaround CL
  • Improvement: Now for every type of aircraft a specific calcuation is done accroding to RW tables
  • Improvement: Now deviation from ISA temp is taken into account
  • Improvement: Now for every type of aircraft a specific correction for ANTI ICE (ENGINE ANTI ICE, TOTAL ANTI ICE) is done accroding to RW tables
  • Improvement: Now for every type of aircraft a specific calcuation is done accroding to RW tables
  •  Improvement: Now deviation from ISA temp is taken into account
  • Improvement: Now for every type of aircraft a specific correction for ANTI ICE (ENGINE ANTI ICE, TOTAL ANTI ICE)
  • Improvement: Special handling implemented for flaps/slats to allow to drive into full up position even without HYD when "COLD AND DARK" or "TURN AROUND" state is selected
  • Improvement: FLARE height changed
  • Improvement: Change to FBW to prevent nose dive in Geo Des 


  • Bug fix: Fix to avoid radio set to unusable frequency
  • Bug fix: Fixes in speed constraints
  • Bug Fix: Fix to avoid erroneously triggered warning sound
  • Bug Fix: Missing ND text inserted
  • Bug Fix: Fix to solve missing indication of flight control surface movement in test
  • Improvement: Complete GSX2 support
  • Improvement: Tweaks to checklists
  • Improvement: Changes in flight stage triggering
  • Improvement: All climb profiles fully overhauled

Version - EXPERIMENTAL (full new build):  

  • Fixed webconnect not working for users who did not have the A318/A319 installed
  • Inserted the lower volume sound for wind and wipers as was used for the A318/A319
  • Corrected parking codes in aircraft.cfg
  • Corrected thumbnails used in livery manager
  • Changed descend behavior to use a bit steeper angle to maintain momentum
  • Changed climb behavior for A321 IAE
  • Corrected Eazyjet serial placard
  • Updated METAR decoding for AOC menu's, still some work open
  • Fixed EGT indication for CFM engine
  • BA now Speedbird for ATC
  • Cargo door speed animation corrected
  • Reduced pitch sensitivity that causesd issues for some configurations
  • Zoom and pan options made possible in all VC views.
  • Fixed climb constraints indications and autopilot respecting them
  • Cockpit printer: Zulu date/time now used instead of sim current time
  • Adding contrails that were missing from some types
  • Changes in sim METAR decoding
  • Tweaks to drag factor
  • Fix for web connect, Do note there are now TWO web connect apllication:
    • A3XXConnectPro_A320A321 and A3XXConnectPro_A318A319
    • Both are installed in this update!
    • Fixes in GA PERF page
  • Added code to avoid CTD
  • Fix for dissapearing climb constraints after passing waypoints
  • Added fields to LoadSheet for FMGS
  • Misc fixes in AIDS PRINT
  • Cockpit printer: added the loadsheet printout, being activated after the pax boarding complete
  •  Changes in MCDU text colors


  • Wiper sounds reduced in volume
  • Gear wind sound reduced in volume awaiting better ideas (by forum user luke123452468)
  • MCDU tweaks:
    • The F-PLN is scrolling continuously now
    • Diverse fixes in SPD page (time/utc font, V1 as a SPD value for departure airport)
    • Minor change in ATSU page
    • Flight Plan is cleared to early after rollout fixed
  • Fixes in Holdings:
    • Changed the related WPT sequencing on the F-PLN page (for HA and HF type database holdings)
    • Proper handling of newly introduced HA and HF type database holdings,
    • Including the automatic exit on corresponding conditions
    • Introduced the HA-type holdings from Navdatabase (beta!)
    • Some holdings (e.g. at departure) didn't load from Navdatabase
    • IMM EXIT was shown too early sometimes fixed
    • Introduced the HF-type holdings from Navdatabase (beta!)
    • Introduced the HM-type Holdings from Navdatabase (beta!)
    • Changes to some holding courses vs magnetic variation
  • Conflict in pax numbers solved
  • Configurator edited to avoid
  • View issue changed
  • Pitch Trim adapted
  • Divers Fuel ECAM fixes
  • Divers small changes in models/textures (new aircon and fuel panels)

Version - STANDARD:

  • Livery Manager updated
  • Tweaks to manuals
  • 'NEO' removed from identifier
  • Checklist, several issues solved and others changed as requested by customers:
    • Gear retraction
    • Timing EXT LIGHTS and WXR adjusted in TAXI CL
    • Light issue timing issue solved
    • Sounds worked on
    • Baro reference fixed
  • Holdings tweaks:
    • Hold deletion corrected
    • Resume issue solved
    • Minor change to IMM EXIT exit
    • Fix for incorrect distance to entry
    • TMPY INSERT added
  • MCDU tweaks:
    • Added message: "ENTER DEST DATA"
    • ATC button will be linked to AOC no more
    • CSTRs now can be deleted directly from F-PLN page
    • The ALT CSTR window (from database) persisted after a manual input
    • The VOR crs field in RAD NAV page stood empty after user input
    • Minor change in CHECK APPR SELECTION message
    • Minor changes in VERT REV page
    • VNAV angle change
    • EFOB/WIND change
  • One possible CTD issue solved
  • Engine spool up time reduced
  • Lower APU volume
  • Updated configurator
  • Wind shield wiper sounds updated


  • Tweak to checklist regarding exterior lights
  • Vol 9 fixes
  • MCDU tweaks:
    • Added message: "ENTER DEST DATA"
    • Change: ATC button will be linked to AOC no more
    • Change: CSTRs now can be deleted directly from F-PLN page
    • Fix: the ALT CSTR window (from database) persisted after a manual input
    • Fix: the VOR crs field in RAD NAV page stood empty after user input
    • Minor change in CHECK APPR SELECTION message
    • Minor changes in VERT REV page


  • New Company Route Editor
  • Fix for freezing displays
  • Diverse fixes and improvements for checklists
  • RAAS Pro now activated


  • Tweaks to onboard printer to solve issues with IVAO/VATSIm Weather and HOPPIE
  • Changes to PED announcement
  • Small tweaks to animation timing
  • Fixed possible hang condition on checklist (close door issue on forum)
  • Changes to loading sequence (possible effect on st elmo's fire issue)
  • Fix for fuel reset on multiple engine starts
  • Fix for posssile FADEC unpowered issue

Version - STANDARD:

  • Animation issue solved on A319 CFM window
  • All DLL's  recompiled with very latest SDK, might solve the St-Elmo's issue
  • Vol 9 manual corrected
  • Start menu item to livery manager added
  • Small tweak to StepbyStep


  • Online release for P3D V4.3

Aerosoft GmbH
Lindberghring 12, 33142 Büren, Allemagne

Airbus A318/A319 Airbus A318/A319
  42,69 € *
Airbus A320/A321 Airbus A320/A321
  42,69 € *
Airbus Bundle Airbus Bundle
  52,77 € *
FS2Crew: FSX/P3D All Access Pack FS2Crew: FSX/P3D All Access Pack
  25,19 € * 35,99 € *
Mega Airport Rome Mega Airport Rome
  26,17 € *
Seahawk & Jayhawk Seahawk & Jayhawk X
  28,18 € *
FSDG - Sylt P3D FSDG - Sylt P3D
  13,10 € *
Yawman Arrow Yawman Arrow
  181,50 € * 221,84 € *
MD-11 V2 MD-11 V2
  50,39 € *