Discus K Glider X

14,07 € *

Prix incl. 20% TVA

Disponible en tant que téléchargement immédiat

  • AS11231
  • Aerosoft
  • Joachim Schweigler
  • English
  • 1.10
Aerobatic gliding is perhaps the most complex and demanding of aviation sports. It's hard enough...plus
Informations sur le produit "Discus K Glider X"

Aerobatic gliding is perhaps the most complex and demanding of aviation sports. It's hard enough with an engine but doing it all on kinetic energy demands a very high degree of skill. And a suitable aircraft and finally there is one for FS!

The Discus is a Standard Class glider created by Schempp-Hirth. It was produced in Germany between 1984 and 1995 and around 850 aircraft are still flying. It is still produced in the Czech Republic in low numbers. With its distinctive swept back leading edge it was rather revolutionary when it was produced and it totally dominated the standard class sailplane racing throughout the 1980s and won the 1985, 1987 and 1989 World Gliding Championships.

Though it is no longer a top contender for the prices (the progress in gliders in the last 10 years is nothing short of amazing), it is still a high performance glider with a 42 to 1 glide ratio. The good natured flight characteristics made it a perfect club glider for the experienced gliders. The later models (though many are retrofitted) had winglets that made the performance and handling better. In Europe it is one of the most prolific gliders and it is very typical of gliders that the thousands of enthusiasts fly every weekend.

The K model was one of the last versions of the Discus and an attempt to create a capable aerobatic contest version. They used one of the prototypes and the Discus K flew for the first time in 1988. It was moderately successful, but for most FSX pilots it will be more than a handful!

The Aerosoft Discus has been create with help from Schempp-Hirth and without a doubt it is the first true high end glider add-on for FS. From the flight model that is near perfect (do note we never used these words for any product before) to the high detail modeling, it’s a product without rivals and without precedent.


  • Fully professional development (over 20 months)
  • Highly detailed model (for example just the VC has 146384 polygons, more than double of what FS2004 could compile) using all the FSX options
  • Highly advanced flight model that are accurate even in spins and other no standard attitudes
  • Over 100 non standard sounds (like flying with open windows, side slips, pending stalls etc) all triggered by FSX variables and conditions using Aerosoft Sound Control
  • Dozens of non standard animations, up to elements that move under high G load
  • Very realistic flexing wings created with a new technology
  • All instruments accurate. Not like this simplified gauges in the default glider in FSX
  • Real usable yaw string that will make coordinated flight a lot easier

 Awards / Reviews:

simFlight Award 2011, 1st place in the category "Helicopters, Gliders, Ultralights"

View all results

Avsim Gold Star Award, Avsim.com

Conlusion by Avsim.com:
"What can I say, gorgeous! That was and still is, more or less, the same conclusion from the previous Aerosoft’s Discus Glider X review. It was and still is, the only commercial FSX add-on glider that offers high flight performances, an as real as possible external model with, although simple, a nice looking Virtual Cockpit. There’s no need for a 2D cockpit since the Virtual Cockpit FPS are high. And because of this, Aerosoft didn’t add a 2D cockpit. High frame rates mean somewhere, based on my PC specifications with all sliders maximum, between 30 – 40 FPS. When I place my sliders back to a more normal position, the frame rates move up even past 50 FPS. Complaints? Not by me!

What was the price of this individual Discus K? Only available as a download, this Discus K costs  €13.95 or approximately US$20.00. Suppose you own already the Discus Glider X package, you get a 30% discount on the Discus K. Expensive? Not at all, knowing what this model offers you. Ok, the Discus K comes only in one livery, but as said before; only one Discus K was build.

I would say go for it and try to master Aerosoft’s Discus K. See it as your next challenge!"

Read review

Liens supplémentaires vers "Discus K Glider X"

Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2, Acceleration or Gold Edition), FSX: Steam Edition or Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D V3/V4
Windows XP / Vista 32Bit or 64Bit / Windows7 with the latest Service Packs
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 Redistributable Package => Download here
Microsoft Visual C 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) => Download here
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU (2x 2666Mhz) or equivalent (Core 2 Quad CPU recommended)
DX9 Graphic Card with at least 256 MB (512 MB highly recommended)
Mouse with mouse wheel
Download-Size: 45 MB
Installation-Size: 90 MB

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  • Discus Glider X (Box or Download) => Discus K Glider X (Download):
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