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- N.º artículo: AS14630
- Fabricante:
- Desarrollador: Simcoders
- Idioma: English
- Versión actual: 4.7.0
This Reality Expansion Pack for the aircraft B58 Baron by Carenado is a software developed by real pilots designed to provide the most realistic experience to the X-Plane general aviation pilots.
This software is meant to enhance an existing X-Plane add-on airplane. In this particular case, this REP package is targeting the marvelous B58 Baron for X-Plane 11 designed by Carenado.
Custom Engine Model:
- 100% custom engine model independent from X-Plane defaults
- Engine monitor
VR Support:
- Native Virtual Reality support
Ultra Realistic Flight & Ground Dynamics:
- Realistic stall speeds & behavior
- Realistic climb speeds
- Realistic cruise speeds
- Realistic Weight & Balance
- Realistic taxi behavior
Complex Damages System:
- Triggered by the pilot actions
- Based on real world data
- Target every system in the aircraft
- Meant to teach you how to correctly manage an airplane
Simulation state saving:
- Persistent wear and tear
- Every single switch and lever position is restored when you reload the aircraft
- The battery may discharge if you leave it on and then close X-Plane
- When X-Plane is launched, the engine and oil temperature are restored basing on the time passed
Realistic IO-550-c Engine Simulation:
- Automatic startup procedure
- Realistic propeller animations as never seen before on X-Plane
- Realistic engines synchronization
- Custom propeller governor
- Correct fuel consuption
- Cowl Flaps Drag
- Realistic differencies between the engines
- Different throttle/propeller/mixture setting required for each engine
- Different CHTs and oil temperatures
Oil System:
- Realistic oil viscosity
- Interchangeable oil type
- Oil pump failures
- Realistic oil filter
Injection Fuel System:
- Realistic fuel pump behavior
- Realistic fuel filter
- Interchangeable spark plugs: default or fine-wire
- Spark plugs fouling
- Realistic Lean of Peak and Rich of Peak operations
- Realistic startup procedure
- Realistic engine temperatures
- Vapor Lock Simulation
- Fuel Flooding simulation
- The engine parts are damaged if not managed correctly
Engine Preheater and Winterization Kit:
- The engine may be warmed up upn start with the provided electrical heater
- Once activated, the electrical heater runs even when you close the simulator
- A winterization kit let the airplane to operate at very cold temperatures
Realistic Landing Gear:
- The landing gear is damaged by hard landings and overspeed operations
- The brakes and tires are damaged if not managed correctly
Electrical & Avionics System:
- Realistic Battery
- The avionics are damaged if on when the engine starts/shuts down
Learn with the in-flight tips:
- A non invasive tip with a suggestion about the conduct of the flight is shown when you are not flying the airplane properly
- A non invasive tip with a suggestion on how to recover the problem is shown when you damage the airplane
- Custom stall warning horn
- Gyro drift simulation
Economic System:
- Can be enabled/disabled on the fly
- Earn virtual money when you fly
- Use virtual money to buy fuel and do maintenance/repairs
- Realistic fuel prices around the World
- Can be used parallel to FSEconomy; soon fully compatible with FSEconomy systems.
- More info at
Simulation of Hypoxia:
- Tunnel Vision
- Hard Breathing
Stunning sounds:
- 3D sounds (custom FMOD-like sound engine)
- Realistic engine clicks and stutters
- Fuselage wind sound
- Landing gear wind
- Independent touch down sounds
- Real avionics sound
- Realistic open window wind sound
- Realistic engine humming sounds when the engines are not synchronized
- Real starter sound
Interactive Walkaround:
- Cockpit checks
- Aileron, rudder, elevator and flaps check
- Tire check and choks removal
- Tie-down removal
- Pitot tube check
- Engine cowl check
- Fuel quantity check
- Oil quantity and quality check
- Lights check
- Postflight walkaround
Interactive towing:
- Push, pull and steer using the joystick
- Towbar simulation
Weight & Balance Tool:
- Load the airplane and check the C.G. and weight limits at takeoff and landing
- The airplane behavior changes when the C.G. moves
Popup Kneeboard:
- Complete normal operations checklist
- Complete emergency operations checklist
- Complete reference tables (speed, fuel consumption etc.)
- May be shown/hidden with mouse gestures
Maintenance Hangar:
- Engine maintenance tab
- Electrical systems maintenance tab
- Landing gear, brakes & tires tab
HeadShake Integration:
- REP drives HeadShake to simulate the correct vibrations of the Continental IO-550-C engine
- Realistic gyro wander and HSI behavior
Very easy on FPS:
- Written in C++: no compromises
- X-Plane 11 + Carenado - B58 Baron (XP11)
- Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64 Bit), Linux or macOS X 10.10
- Processor (CPU): Dual Core i3, i5, i7 at 3 GHz or faster
- Min. 8 GB RAM
- DirectX 11-capable video card with at least 512 MB VRAM
- Download-Size: 30 MB