Aerosoft A330 professional

P3D V4.5/V5
71,13 € *

Precio incl. 21% IVA legal

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  • AS14195
  • Aerosoft
  • Aerosoft, Pad-Labs
  • (P3DV5)
The A330 is the bigger brother of the ubiquitous A320 series. Designed for long distance (or...más
Información del producto "Aerosoft A330 professional"

The A330 is the bigger brother of the ubiquitous A320 series. Designed for long distance (or short haul large capacity) flights it is a common site on most airports. Even though it is not the most modern aircraft, it still has all the characteristics of its smaller siblings. They are highly integrated and automated aircraft where the pilot is often just monitoring the complex systems. The Aerosoft A330 professional is a logical follow-up of our A320 series but you will find many systems are redone to a higher level of detail. The modeling and texturing are state of the art.

What remains is our dedication to the basic idea of the product. We simulate flying the aircraft and the aircrafts systems are just a tool, not the goal. Using these products will bring flight simulation as close as possible to the experience of a real pilot – from interacting with the MCDU to opening the flight deck door using the correct procedure.

The project is a development for 64-bit platforms and uses the very latest of technology and compilers making it highly future proof and as light as possible on your system.

Before ordering this product we strongly suggest you check out our online release notes so you know the current state of this product.


  • Simulation of the A330 focused on the day to day operation of the aircraft from the left seat
  • The cockpit is equipped as it is with large airlines, with the most up to date instruments
  • Sublime modelling/texturing based on the latest technologies, very easy on framerates
  • Full rain and rain repellent effects using TrueGlass (from TFDi Design)
  • Dozens of non-standard animations, all with sound effects (sunscreens, windows, tables, tiller, jump seat, standby compass, drooping flight surfaces etc.). All main doors and cargo hatches can be opened. Extensive options to show ground objects (cones, ground power etc.) and to provide ground power
  • Included web server that allows you to access (and use) the MCDU via any web browser; ideal for tablet computers
  • Includes an Electronic Flight Bag that gives access to flows, checklists, flightplans, documents and charts. You will see the aircraft on the chart making navigation a lot easier
  • Extensive manuals
  • Add-in View system: adds many pre-defined views for easy use, emulates 2D panel views
  • Add-in Sound system: adds hundreds of background sounds to enhance the immersion
  • Includes our Semi-Intelligent co-pilot that assist you in your flights and runs checklists and flows with you
  • Connected Flight Deck v2 that uses a server-based system making it very easy to join other pilots and to fly as Co-Pilot or Observer
  • Designed from the start with PBR technology for ALL textures


  • Fully custom Fly-by-Wire systems with flight envelope protection, stall protection, pitch and roll limiter, g-load limiter, over speed protection, Alpha Floor protection, auto trim
  • Fully custom autopilot systems, with full Cat III auto land, V/S, Managed CLB/DES, OP CLB/DES, heading and NAV modes; VNAV and LNAV included; FPA/TRK included
  • Fully custom thrust computer systems (FADEC), throttle with detents, FLEX take-off
  • Very complete MCDU (can be controlled via web browser, for example on tablet computers), also, information can be inserted using the keyboard
  • Flight plans supports SIDs, STARs, transitions, approaches, go-arounds, holds, Managed climbs and descent, constraints, and direct-to route editing
  • VOR tracking implemented, DME arcs supported
  • Comes with NavDataPro (LIDO) navigation database but compatible with Navigraph. Includes current AIRAC Data at the time of release (so not a free outdated version) and this can be updated by the user at any moment
  • Complete FS2Crew Runway Awareness and Advisory System included (a €30 value!) - locked to these aircraft
  • 28 ECAM pages included, showing relevant aircraft information
  • Full features ADIR`s system
  • Full feature TCAS system (including audio warnings) for AI Traffic, IVAO, VATSIM
  • Full custom electrical bus system, with realistic battery run down and voltages
  • Navigation display with curved lines, de-cluttering, stopwatch, selected navaid, runway information, range change, mode change, stopwatch etc. Includes Terrain Display option
  • Full featured loading and refueling module (interfaced with the simulator) with advanced and simple mode
  • In cockpit printer functional to print out the information you need to keep on hand
  • Fully functional Weather Radar with Manual and Multiscan. Works with ANY weather add-on (and even without weather add-on) and reads the actual weather that is inserted in simulator. This is a unique development! It even shows ground clutter making the WX a navigation tool

Additional Features:

  • Tiller can be operated by additional axis.
  • Advanced brakes with realistic brake temperatures (modelling Goodrich Carbon brakes)
  • Engine models fully updated, highly accurate thrust, EPR, N1, N2, EGT, FF
  • Various background sounds from cabin crew, flight crew and ATC (optional)
  • View panel bar to easily switch between various 2D (11) and 3D views (16)
  • Contains in total 16 Checklists from COCKPIT PREPARATION to PARKING
  • Checklists mainly start automatic based on the flight situation p. e. the BEFORE TAKE CL automatically starts when plane reaches the runway holding point, DESCENT PREPARATION CL 9 NM from TOD etc
  • Orally spoken checklist items by the PF and confirmed by the PnF
  • Option included that the PnF also performs certain settings (gear up, flaps settings etc.) which are part of the checklists
  • Info bar displaying the next action
  • Ground services (toggle of external objects, chocks, pylons, ground power unit)
  • Doors control (controls all doors and hatches)
  • Tier 1 product for PMDG Global Flight Operations


  • 1 SAT antenna normal door:
  • 1 SAT antenna small door:
  • 2 SAT antennas small door:

Conclusion by

Review by TheSpruceMoose:

Enlaces de continuación a "Aerosoft A330 professional"
  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3D V4.5.x Hotfix 2 or V5.2 (the latest version of Prepar3D is always needed)
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64bit) (older 64bit versions not tested)
  • Processor: Intel Core™ i5 (i7 recommended) or AMD Ryzen 5 (Ryzen 7 recommended)
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
  • Graphics card: 4 GB VRAM (DirectX 11), e.g. GeForce GTX 1050 (6 GB, GTX 1070 recommended)
  • Requires HDR setting to be active!
  • Control hardware (joystick) with rudder and throttle channels
  • Download-Size: 1.9 GB

Laptops are not recommended, unless they are gaming laptops that can sustain their performance without thermal throttling.

Before ordering this product we strongly suggest you check out our online release notes so you know the current state of this product!

If you have already purchased a part of our Airbus professional Serie, the following upgrade options are available when purchasing Aerosoft's A330 professional:

  • Aerosoft A318/A319 professional Aerosoft A330 professional
    DL › 48,27 € incl. 19% VAT (40,56 € ex VAT)
  • Aerosoft A320/A321 professional Aerosoft A330 professional
    DL › 48,27 € incl. 19% VAT (40,56 € ex VAT)
  • A320 Family professional BundleAerosoft A330 professional
    DL ›
    48,27 € incl. 19% VAT (40,56 € ex VAT)

Therefore please enter your serial key of one of the products listed above in the voucher field at the checkout.

NOTE: If you purchased the previous version in the Aerosoft Shop and are logged into your customer account, the discount will be automatically deducted from your shopping cart!

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