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Kos X
Kos X
La isla griega de Kos es una de la islas mas visitadas en el Mar Egeo. El Aeropuerto Internacional "Hippocrates" se encuentra situado en un lugar idílico, cerca del mar y entre dos colinas y muchisimos vuelos charters de todas partes de...
  15,20 € *
Andras Field
Andras Field
Andras Field se encuentra localizado al pie de los Alpes en la parte sur de Baviera, cerca de la frontera con Austria y Suiza. 60 minutos de crucero y estaras en Milan o en Berlin. Andras Field comenzo como un aeropuerto militar (ver la...
  17,79 € *
Aerosoft Santorini X
Aerosoft Santorini X
The current Santorini was born with a bang. One of the biggest bangs ever heard in fact. Around 3600 BC a big volcano exploded leaving a caldera that is partly above sea level and that is what is now known as Santorini. It is clear there...
  15,20 € *
Rotterdam X
Rotterdam X
El Aeropuerto de Rotterdam (también conocido como Zestienhoven) es el tercer aeropuerto de los Paises Bajos en numero de pasajeros y en terminos de trafico regional. A pesar de sus reducidos vuelos regulares, existen muchas escuelas de...
  15,20 € *
Mega Airport Brussels X
Mega Airport Brussels X
Mega Airport Brussels, the hub of the capital of the EU, now for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. Developed by the Design-Team DreamFactory this scenery represents an absolute realistic recreation of the complete real airport. In...
  25,37 € *
Warsaw City X
Drzewiecki Design
Warsaw City X
Warsaw City X is a sophisticated scenery package, featuring a highly detailed scenery of Warsaw city in Poland with surrounding airports. This product is compatible with FSX and Prepar3D. Warsaw is the capital and the largest city of...
  34,42 € *
Mega Airport Helsinki
Mega Airport Helsinki
Mega Airport Helsinki Vantaa es el primer aeropuerto desarrollado por el nuevo equipo A-Flight. Realizado con una calidad y un detalle impresionantes, Mega Airport Helsinki es compatible con FSX y Prepar 3D. Descubre el aeropuerto de...
  25,37 € *
German Airports 2 - 2012 (Dortmund)
German Airports 2 - 2012 (Dortmund)
The German Airports-Team has reworked and updated the airport Dortmund from the German Airports 2 series for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. The airport is up to date in terms of layout and comes in the absolute highest...
  15,20 € *
German Airports 2 - 2012 (Köln/Bonn)
German Airports 2 - 2012 (Cologne/Bonn)
The German Airports-Team has reworked and updated the airport Cologne/Bonn from the German Airports 2 series for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. The airport is up to date in terms of layout and comes in the absolute highest...
  18,25 € *
German Airports 2 - 2012 (Leipzig/Halle)
German Airports 2 - 2012 (Leipzig/Halle)
The German Airports-Team has reworked and updated the airport Leipzig/Halle from the German Airports 2 series for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. The airport is up to date in terms of layout and comes in the absolute highest...
  18,25 € *
German Airports 3 - 2012 (Berlin-Tegel)
German Airports 3 - 2012 (Berlin-Tegel)
The German Airports Team are again setting new standards in terms of quality, realism, and friendly frame rates with their complete overhaul of the German Airports 3 package. The Airport Berlin-Tegel for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and...
  18,25 € *
Mega Airport Düsseldorf
FSX/FS2004/P3D V2
Mega Airport Dusseldorf
The Mega Airport Dusseldorf by the German Airports team is now available. Germany´s third ranking international Airport with two parallel runways is the largest and primary airport for the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region - the largest...
  25,37 € *
14 desde 18