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Wilco 737 Pilot in Command Evolution Deluxe
Wilco Publishing
737 Pilot in Command Evolution Deluxe
737 Pilot in Command Evolution Deluxe is today's most advanced, most realistic, most complete Boeing 737-300/-400/-500 simulation for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Tested by active Boeing pilots, 737 Pilot in Command gives simmers the...
  47,74 € *
German Airfields 1 - Island Hopping
German Airfields 1 - Island Hopping
Lleva a los turistas a la isla de Sylt y a la serie de islas ubicadas a lo largo de la costa este de Frisia. Lleva el correo diario a las islas aun y cuando el clima en el Mar del Norte no sea el mas apropiado. German Airfields 1 -Island...
  28,42 € *
VFR Germany 2010 - West
VFR Germany 2010 - West
VFR Germany 2010 - West es la version revisada y mejorada de VFR Germany 1 West, la cual cuenta con numerosos objetos y nuevas imagenes aereas de alta resolucion. VFR Germany 2010 - West te ofrece una experiencia de vuelo virtual...
  48,76 € *
Diamond DA20-100 Katana 4X
Diamond DA20-100 Katana 4X
The DA20-100 Katana is proof of the old saying "what looks good, flies good". It is a cutting GA aircraft made out of fiber-reinforced composites. Originally designed to be a training craft it is now flown by a lot of private pilots who...
  28,42 € *
P-51D Mustang
P-51D Mustang
"Like the Indian braves of the old southwest whose favourite in battle was the small speedy Mustang, young fighter pilots today, with their newly won wings, almost without exception want to the fly the namesake of that sleek and powerful...
  35,54 € *
Audio Environment - General Aviation Edition
Audio Environment - General Aviation Edition
Following on from the hugely popular Audio Environment - Airliners Edition, this General Aviation Edition totally transforms eight default FSX GA Aircraft with new replacement sound sets and also enhances ground vehicles and environment...
  30,45 € *
Flight1 Ideal Flight
Ideal Flight
Are you tired of flying the same flights or not sure where to fly next with Flight Simulator X? Bring the excitement back into your flying and generate random but highly realistic flights at the click of a button. Ideal Flight creates...
  35,54 € *
Discus Glider X
Discus Glider X
No creas que los planeadores son aviones silenciosos y aburridos. El planeador Discus puede alcanzar velocidades, altitudes, autonomia y maniobras que la mayoria de aviones ligeros le envidian. Por supuesto podras hacer algunos vuelos de...
  24,35 € *
Beaver X - Mission Pack
Beaver X - Mission Pack
Descubre 12 nuevas y desafiantes misiones para elAerosoft DHC-2 Beaver X. Algunas misiones no terminarán como lo esperas, y preparate tambien para hacer una escala en la inhóspita Alaska. Muchas horas de diversión garantizadas! Algunas...
  15,20 € *
London City Airport X
London City Airport X
Todos los procedimientos publicados incluyen pendientes de senda de planeo de 5.5 grados. Trafico aéreo no comercial, monomotres o aviones tripulados por un solo piloto no son bienvenidos. London City Airport no es un aeropuerto...
  13,17 € *
Lord Howe Island X
Lord Howe Island X
Despega desde el aeropuerto local y disfruta de esta maravillosa isla en el mar de Tasmania cerca de Australia. Compatible con las últimas tecnologías de FSX y realizada tomando en cuenta hasta el mas minimo detalle(Aprenderas como leer...
  15,20 € *
Huey X
Huey X
The Bell UH-1 is without a doubt one of the best known helicopters to most people. It was imprinted in our culture by the moving images from the Vietnam War were it changed the face of warfare. And it never left as thousands are still...
  28,42 € *
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