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USCitiesX - Las Vegas
US Cities X - Las Vegas
Las Vegas has to be one of the strangest cities in the USA. Located in the middle of a desert it is one huge sea of low houses with a wild collection of strange high rise in one strip of land in the center. That’s where the money is made...
  15,20 € *
Super Traffic Board - Version 3
Super Traffic Board for FSX
Starting from the idea of displaying flight information like you would find at any real-world airport, Super Traffic Board (STB) goes far beyond this by providing new and exciting ways of displaying, managing and interacting with your...
  27,95 € *
American Aerolites Falcon
American Aerolites Falcon
The two stroke, single cylinder engine seems to produce far more vibrations and noise then push. The noise is harsh and nasty, very much like a moped with an engine that has been worked on and its exhaust removed. Climb performance...
  18,25 € *
Carenado - V35 Bonanza (FSX/P3D)
Carenado - V35 Bonanza (FSX/P3D)
The Carenado line of aircraft for FSX has been well acclaimed by users and reviewers for many years and for good reason. They are well constructed, looks good and have impeccable behavior in flight. The cockpits are accurate and well...
  33,76 € *
Ultimate Terrain X - Europe
Ultimate Terrain X - Europe
Roads, Rivers, Streams, Bridges, Landclass, Waterclass, and more is packed into Ultimate Terrain X. Highways, Roads, Streets The FSX roads are a big improvement over FS9 (FS2004). However, Ultimate Terrain X takes the roads one step...
  32,51 € *
Piaggio P180 Avanti II
Wilco Publishing
Piaggio P180 Avanti II
Here is the most highly detailed, accurate rendering of the futuristic Piaggio P180II. Great care has been taken in ensuring that fuselage profiles and general arrangement shapes are true to original. Piaggio P180II Avanti is exciting...
  20,29 € *
Carenado - C208B Grand Caravan (FSX/P3D)
Carenado - C208B Grand Caravan (FSX/P3D)
The Carenado line of aircraft has been well acclaimed by users and reviewers for many years and for good reason. They are well constructed, looks good and have impeccable behavior in flight. The cockpits are accurate and well equipped....
  38,60 € *
Cuzco X
FSDG - Cuzco X
Existen 3 razones principales que hacen este aeropuerto algo particular: Para empezar esta localizado en un estrecho valle con picos alrededor de hasta 2000 pies de altura. En segundo lugar, la aproximacion debe hacerse en circulo que te...
  15,20 € *
Kos X
Kos X
La isla griega de Kos es una de la islas mas visitadas en el Mar Egeo. El Aeropuerto Internacional "Hippocrates" se encuentra situado en un lugar idílico, cerca del mar y entre dos colinas y muchisimos vuelos charters de todas partes de...
  15,20 € *
Andras Field
Andras Field
Andras Field se encuentra localizado al pie de los Alpes en la parte sur de Baviera, cerca de la frontera con Austria y Suiza. 60 minutos de crucero y estaras en Milan o en Berlin. Andras Field comenzo como un aeropuerto militar (ver la...
  17,79 € *
US Cities X - Niagara Falls/Buffalo
US Cities X - Niagara Falls/Buffalo
Existen 3 helipuertos principales en el escenario: El primero y mas importante se encuentra en el lado canadiense, para vuelos turisticos. El segundo, se encuentra muy cerca de las cataratas en el lado americano y el tercero se encuentra...
  15,20 € *
Dutch Harbor X
FSDG - Dutch Harbor X
Las Islas Aleutianas conforman uno de los lugares mas remotos de América del Norte, extiendose cerca de 1200 millas desde la peninsula de Alaska hacia el Mar de Bering para colindar con la peninsula de Kamchatka. A pesar de su tamaño,...
  18,25 € *
182 desde 192