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Aerosoft Mega Airport Brussels Approach Brussels, the heart of Europe! Not just the capital of Belgium, but by many seen as the de facto capital of Europe, being the center stage for European and global politics post WW2 and the home to numerous companies and NGOs. A...
25,37 € *
Aerosoft Aircraft A330 CEO Base Pack Thanks to its versatility, the twin-engine A330 surprises again and again, defying the competition for decades. With more than 1500 jets delivered, the A330 is one of the most successful widebody aircraft in history. This MSFS 2020 DLC...
30,49 € *
Aerosoft Toolbar Pushback Pro Plan your pushback conveniently in the simulator while you prepare your aircraft or tow your aircraft out of the maintenance hangar to carry out a test flight. All options are available to you: pushback, push-in and towing. Operation of...
10,12 € *
Aerosoft Antarctica Vol. 2 - Australian Casey... The second volume of our popular Antarctica series covers the Australian Antarctic Casey on the opposite side of the continent, right on the mainland: A region of vast glaciers extending for thousands of miles into the continent. We have...
15,20 € *
Aerosoft Offshore Landmarks: North Sea In 2030 65% of the North Sea will be an industrial zone. Over 70% of the electricity for countries surrounding the North Sea will be generated by the massive offshore wind parks. The North Sea is the biggest work site on the planet,...
17,28 € *
Aerosoft Tool Simple Traffic Aerosoft Tool Simple Traffic tiene un solo objetivo: Reemplazar los diseños ficticios predeterminados del simulador con diseños existentes. Entonces, verás muchos aviones Delta en Atlanta, KLM en Schiphol y Air France en los alrededores...
15,13 € *
Aerosoft Mega Airport Berlin Brandenburg V3 Being among the most popular MSFS sceneries, Berlin Brandenburg (BER) is now available in version 3. With its newly modelled BER airside this addon has become even more realistic! The DLC covers the capital city’s main and only active...
20,29 € *
Aerosoft Mega Airport Ben Gurion Ben Gurion International Airport (IATA: TLV, ICAO: LLBG) (commonly known by its Hebrew acronym as Natbag) is the largest airport in Israel. It is said to be the world's most secure airport. The original layout of the airfield as designed...
21,78 € *
Aerosoft Aircraft CRJ 900/1000 El Aerosoft Aircraft CRJ 900/1000 es una extensión del CRJ 550/700 y se asume que esta versión está instalada. Para agregar la extensión al carrito de compras, debes iniciar sesión con tu cuenta de cliente (de lo contrario, la opción no...
20,33 € *
Aerosoft Aircraft CRJ Bundle The Aerosoft Aircraft Bundle includes the CRJ 550/700/900/1000 variants for Microsoft Flight Simulator! Pilotar aviones de transporte regional es más atractivo para los fanáticos de los simuladores de vuelo que les gusta volar de acuerdo...
71,17 € *
Aerosoft Antarctica Vol. 1 - British Rothera... ¡Rothera es sin duda la estación de la Antártida con la ubicación más pintoresca! Ubicado en un saliente rocoso dominado por un enorme glaciar salpicado de montañas al oeste, rodeado de mar en todas las demás direcciones con una línea de...
15,20 € *
Aerosoft Aircraft CRJ 550/700 Pilotar aviones de transporte regional es más atractivo para los fanáticos de los simuladores de vuelo que les gusta volar de acuerdo con las reglas de vuelo por instrumentos (IFR), pero tienen un tiempo limitado disponible. Los aviones...
50,83 € *