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- Article number: AS15643
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- Language: English
The most successful aircraft in history the Cessna 172S is now rebuilt from scratch by Airfoillabs for X-Plane as New Generation Airfoillabs Product Series. You can expect unprecedented Study Level Simulation of C172S with G1000 Avionics.
X-Plane 12 Support is our highest priority! RealSimGear Hardware compatibility planed for 2022.
3D Model
- 3D Model based on real aircraft and rebuild from the ground up
- Exquisite PBR Texturing
- Lycoming IO-360-L2A with all engine parts
- Engine Heater, GPU, Refueling details, Fuel Sampling, Oil Management
- Covers, Chocks, Tiedowns
- Interior with many animations, vibrations, zero-G floating objects, baggage, and more
- Damaged Aircraft Parts
- Many detailed passengers and pilots
- Rain, Fogging, Icing, Broken Windshield
- Custom Particles Effects
- 48 Liveries
- Countless additional details, features, and animationHDR Lighting System
FMOD Sound
- More than 320 sounds + detailed layered engine samples with audible failures simulation
- Many real aircraft recording sessions
- All animations, movements, and situations are producing soundsWeather effects outside and inside of the aircraft
Flight Model
- Based on real aircraft flight recordings
- Performance tuned and correlated with performance tables
- Behavior details consulted with Pilots and Flight Instructors
- Additional custom behavior: Stall and Spin, Soft Field Takeoff, Crosswind Ground Operations
- Lift, Drag, Moment Forces Airfoils Data customized by internal plugin-based tweaker
- Detailed Damage Simulation as Bending of the wings, Overspeed Flutter, Flaps damage, etc.
- Wing Tail and Fuselage ground strike simulation.
- Flight Model is influenced by - Vortex Generators, Flap Gap Seals, Bush Wheels, Fairings, Broken Windshield, etc.
Aircraft Systems
- Custom Fuel System Simulation including fuel flow and individual components logic and failures
- Landing Gear plugin-based tuning of forces including Side Moments, Skidding, and more
- Detailed Landing Gear Damage - Bending Struts, Tire Wear, Flat Tire, Brakes, etc.
- Flight Controls Damage simulation
Electrical System
- Plugin Based Custom Electrical System designed according to real C172 Electrical Scheme
- Simulating All Circuit Breakers, Electrical Components Failures, Short Circuits
- Custom Busses, Fuses, Corrected Voltages, Amps, Batteries, behaviors, etc.
- Electrical Scheme 2D Panel with live states
Engine Logic
- Plugin Based Custom Engine Components Simulation and Wear
- Per Cylinder Simulation of Temperatures, Wear and Failures
- Custom Oil Temperature, Pressure Simulation
- Custom Per Cylinder EGT simulation
- 2 Magnetos and 8 Individual Spark Plugs Simulations
- Spark Plugs Fouling Simulation
- Additional Engine Components Wear and Failure Simulation (Air Intake, Fuel Pump, Exhaust, Fuel/Air Control Unit, Fuel Flow Transducer, Oil Filter, etc.)
Failure Management System and Scenarios Saving
- Custom Plugin Based Failure Management System
- 175 Individual Components Simulated
- Each Aircraft Component has a Wear property with custom Logic
- Components Wear and Failures are influencing each other
- Components State Saving Option
- Failed at Altitude ASL/AGL Option
- Possibility to Save Failure Sets as Individual Scenarios with thumbnail and description
- 30 Scenarios Provided
C172 Knowledge Base
- All of the failable 175 components are explained in detail in a 2D window
- It provides valuable C172 information about how the aircraft works in real life
- Engine Components are 3D clickable from the outside with Instant Descriptions, Explanations, and Illustrations.
User Interface and 2D Panels
- New Gen User Interface with Floating Menu - Ergonomy and Ease of Use in mind
- Instant Loading of Aircraft States: Cold&Dark, Before Start, Before Taxi, Before Takeoff
- Detailed 2d panels with detachable windows for second monitors
- PFD, MFD, Audio Panel, Switches Panel, Standby Instruments, CBs, Throttle Quadrant, Pedestal, Electrical System, Engine with animations 2D Panels
- Aircraft Options Menu
- Weight & Balance Detailed Options
- Complex Failure Management System
- General Settings include aircraft states, components conditions, sounds, intro, etc.
- Custom Load/Save Situations Dialog
- Remote Control for Airfoillabs Hangar at KAWO airport
- Camera and Quick View Interface
- Automated Checklists with Performace Calculators (Takeoff, Landing, Cruise)
- Stylish Intro Animation
- Cockpit Builders Optimized
- Preparing Support for RealSimGear Hardware at the beginning of 2022.
G1000 additional features
- Custom Engine Panel with Realistic Lean and System Tabs
- Lean Assist Logic
- Reversionary Mode Logic related to custom components
- Custom Alerts, Caution, and Warning System
- Speed Slip Improvements (Acceleration, V Speeds)
- Simulating Loading Sequence and Instruments Initialisations
- Custom Instruments Failures Warnings
- G1000 Components Failures simulation
Aircraft Options
- Wheel Fairings, Stylish Disc Wheel Covers, Bushwheels
- Vortex Generators, Flap Gap Seals
- Cockpit AoA Indicator and Tablet with AviTab Implementation
- Headphones Logic and Noise Canceling
Checklist and Performance
- Complex Automated Checklist System
- Camera Focus on Instruments Option
- Checklist Flow Options: Manual, Semi-Automatic, Automatic
- Checklist Hints
- Short Field Takeoff Calculator
- Short Field Landing Calculator
Ground Operations
- Manual Towing
- Exterior Manual Check of Flight Controls
- Covers, Tiedowns, Chocks Manipulation
- Manual Fuel Sampling
- Manual Refueling and Fuel Quantity Check
- Manual Oil Refilling and Oil Quantity Check
- Engine Heater Operation Logic
Walk Feature and QuickLook Camera with Collisions
- Walk Feature with Terrain and Aircraft Collisions
- Walk, Run, Crouch and Gravity Simulation
- Climb on aircraft to refuel, get in/out
- Customizable and Comfortable QuickLook System for Hat Switch Joysticks, compatible with other plugins
Review by
" I have enjoyed immensely the immersion and interactivity this aircraft provides. Walking around, removing tie downs and covers, checking fuel and oil, and climbing on the wings to fill the tanks with fuel is the closest I have felt to performing an actual pre-flight inspection and preparation.
All the above comes together to make this an exceptional airplane and unique enough to make a significant difference from the default C172."
- X-Plane 12 / X-Plane 11
- Windows, Mac Intel, Mac Solicon or Linux (64-bit)
- 4 GB VRAM (8 GB+ recommended)
Version 1.4.0 Beta:
- New Feature - Complex External Camera Enhancements
- New Feature - Internal Camera Enhancements (G-Forces)
- New Feature - Toe Brakes Smoothing Option for a better experience
- New Feature - VR compatibility
- New Feature - No bezels Garmin Displays commands for cockpit builders
- New Feature - Improvements to interior textures
- Rebuild of the Flight Model from the ground up for XP12
- New Airfoils Created for XP12
- Weight & Balance corrections for XP12
- Failures and Wear tuned for XP12
- Rain, Fog, and Ice rebuild for XP12
- Lights Rebuild for XP12
- G1000 custom features compatibility for XP12
- Landing Gear forces simulation tuneup for XP12
- Control Lock bug corrected
- Walk mode objects interactions corrected
- Quick Look System and camera locations corrections
- Acf Config corrections
- Fixed Missing Menu Items