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VFR Airfields - Husum-Schwesing (EDXJ) The "VFR Airfields" is a series of smaller and medium sized airfields created by experienced developers. Some of the airfields have been extracted from the well-known "German Airfield" packages, that you can purchase individually now...
€2.97 *
VFR Airfields - St. Michaelisdonn (EDXM) The "VFR Airfields" is a series of smaller and medium sized airfields created by experienced developers. Some of the airfields have been extracted from the well-known "German Airfield" packages, that you can purchase individually now...
€7.01 *
FS Flight Keeper 3.52 FS Flight Keeper (FSFK) combines seven programs in one: A Logbook, an Aircraft Black Box, a Flight Weather planning tool, a Flight Information System (ACARS Device), a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), a Cockpit Sound Environment...
€35.24 *
VFR Airfields - Grube (EDHB) The "VFR Airfields" is a series of smaller and medium sized airfields created by experienced developers. Most of the airfields have been extracted from the well-known "German Airfield"packages, that you can purchase individually now...
€2.97 *
VFR Airfields - Uetersen (EDHE) The "VFR Airfields" is a series of smaller and medium sized airfields created by experienced developers. Most of the airfields have been extracted from the well-known "German Airfield"packages, that you can purchase individually now...
€7.01 *
VFR Airfields - Ahrenlohe (EDHO) The "VFR Airfields" is a series of smaller and medium sized airfields created by experienced developers. Most of the airfields have been extracted from the well-known "German Airfield"packages, that you can purchase individually now...
€4.99 *
Carenado - CT206H Stationair - HD Series (FSX/P3D) Special Features: Original Carenado GNS530 with Reality XP integration option Lighting rendering system (landing, taxi, strobe and beacon) illuminate objects and ground 3D stereo sounds Hide/unhide fairings option Windows lighting...
€38.28 *
KC Flight Shop
KCFS Republic RC-3 Seabee KC Flight Shop introduces the Republic RC-3 Seabee an all-metal amphibious sports aircraft designed by Percival Spencer in 1944. Today, more than 60 years after production ended, the Seabee is still the most popular amphibian on the...
€24.15 *
Carenado - TBM850 - HD Series (FSX/P3D) The Carenado line of aircraft has been well acclaimed by users and reviewers for many years and for good reason. They are well constructed, look good and have impeccable behavior in flight. The cockpits are accurate and well equipped....
€44.28 *
FSDG - Kastellorizo Kastellorizo is a small island located only 2 kilometers from the Turkish coast. It's past it's heyday as it now only has just under 500 inhabitants while it used to have as many as 10,000 at the end of the nineteenth century. But for...
€14.40 *
Ground Environment X - Europe World Edition Flight One Software is proud to present Ground Environment X - Europe World Edition for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. Ground Environment X brings all-new ground textures to FSX, and it boasts an...
€32.24 *