Welcome To Spokane, Washington! The Spokane International Airport is a commercial airport... mehr
Produktinformationen "KGEG - Spokane International Airport XP"
Welcome To Spokane, Washington!
The Spokane International Airport is a commercial airport approximately 5 miles (8 km) west of downtown Spokane, Washington.
It is the primary airport serving the Inland Northwest, which consists of 30 counties and includes areas such as Spokane. This airport lets you approach and explore the beautiful mountains of Washington state.
- Professional grade orthography
- Compatibility with True Earth Washington (built in)
- Taxiroutes for WT3 and X-Life
- 2020 airport layout
- High quality textures
- SAM jetways
Weiterführende Links zu "KGEG - Spokane International Airport XP"
- X-Plane 11.50+
- Betriebssystem: Windows, Mac oder Linux
- Grafikkarte 4 GB VRAM (8 GB+ VRAM empfohlen)
- Freier Festplattenspeicher: 2,7 GB
- SAM Plugin erforderlich
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