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Majestic Software
Majestic Software - Electronic Flight Book - MJC8 EFB add-on for MJC8-Q400 PILOT/PRO/TRAINING Prepar3D (x64) aircraft The Electronic Flight Book (EFB) is an add-on to the MJC8-Q400 aircraft that allows a pilot to calculate the performance data based on the actual or planned conditions....
23,80 € *
iFly Jets Advanced Series - The 737 MAX8 for P3D iFly brings you one of the most advanced study-level simulators ever in the 737 MAX 8 & 8-200! The iFly Developer team started with a clean slate for the 737-MAX8... it has been completely built from the ground up. Aircraft systems,...
75,95 € *
PILOT'S Stefan Schäfer
PILOT'S - Boeing B314A Add-on P3D V5 Known as the absolute quintessential flying boat, the majestic Boeing B314 Clipper is an unmistakable icon of the flying boat era. Foynes, Ireland, well-known for its claim to fame for being the birthplace of Irish coffee during this...
23,79 € *
iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG... iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG Expansion Pack is iFly Development Team's most advanced add-on to date and with this Expansion Package they add the Short-body, Extra Range, Business Jet and Cargo models with Standard wings,...
27,10 € *
iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG Base Package is iFly Development Team's most advanced add-on to date and includes the 737-800 and 737-900 models with Standard wing, Blended winglet, Scimitar winglet and Eye Brow options. Prepar3D...
75,95 € *
Majestic Software
Majestic Software - MJC8-Q400 Training Edition The TRAINING Edition of the MJC8 Q400 is dedicated for the experienced flight simmers and for the flight and ground crews, wishing to have an inexpensive solution to study the Q400 systems and to prepare for the simulator checkides at...
118,99 € *
Majestic Software
Majestic Software - MJC8-Q400 Cockpit Edition The COCKPIT Edition of the MJC8 Q400 is is intended for building simulation solutions with a deeper hardware integration and is dedicated to home cockpit builders. CUSTOM FLIGHT DYNAMICS ENGINE The add-on is the only one available on the...
351,05 € *
Just Flight London
146 Professional P3D Following on from their award-winning L-1011 Tristar Professional, Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer and PA-28 family of aircraft, this highly detailed simulation of the 146 regional jet has been developed by Just Flight's in-house team...
64,41 € *
PILOT'S Stefan Schäfer
PILOT'S - Boeing B314 - The Clipper Basic... Die majestätische Boeing B314 Clipper gilt als das Flugboot schlechthin und ist eine unverwechselbare Ikone der Flugboot-Ära. Foynes, Irland, bekannt für seinen Ruf als Geburtsort des irischen Kaffees in dieser Zeit, diente als...
35,64 € *
PILOT'S Stefan Schäfer
PILOT'S - Boeing B314 - The Clipper Pro Version... Endlich fliegt der Clipper wieder! Diese coole historische Maschine im Letztstand der Technik. Nur 12 wuerden gebaut, fliegen Sie eine davon! Bekannt als der absolute Inbegriff eines Flugboots, ist der majestätische Boeing B314 Clipper...
59,44 € *
Just Flight London
DC Designs Concorde The new P3D/FSX Concorde developed by DC Designs features a highly detailed 3D model based on extensive research and visits to museum-exhibit aircraft, with a fully animated exterior model including all access doors, engine inlet ramps,...
34,66 € *
Majestic Software
Majestic Software - MJC8-Q400 PRO Edition x64 P3D The MJC8 Q400 add-on for Prepar3D is a highly realistic rendition, built after the Bombardier (tm) Dash 8 Q400 aircraft. "PRO" edition is for advanced users, or airline pilots wishing to improve their knowledge of the Dash 8 Q400...
72,58 € *