iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG Expansion Pack

P3D V5 + iFly Jets - Advanced Series
27,10 € *

Preis inkl. 19% MwSt.

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  • AS15699
  • Flight1
  • English
iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG Expansion Pack is iFly Development Team's most... mehr
Produktinformationen "iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG Expansion Pack"

iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG Expansion Pack is iFly Development Team's most advanced add-on to date and with this Expansion Package they add the Short-body, Extra Range, Business Jet and Cargo models with Standard wings, Blended winglets, Scimitar winglets, and Eye Brow options. This is an addition to your existing iFly 737NG 800 & 900 Base Pack models.

Hinweis: Das Base Package der iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG ist erforderlich, um dieses Expansion Pack nutzen zu können! Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass immer die aktuellsten Versionen beider Pakete installiert sind.

This expansion package includes the following additional aircraft:

  • -600
  • -700
  • -700ER
  • -900ER
  • 800BCF (Cargo)

The Expansion Pack includes specific features that are present in each aircraft type. We are also including the updated GetLivery tool which allows you to download additional free liveries from our public library.

Prepar3D by Lockheed Martin is an amazing simulation platform that allows for some of the most advanced flight modeling and systems simulation possible on any platform. iFly Development Team has taken the highest advantage of features within the Prepar3D v5 platform to bring you an ultra-realistic version of the 737NG.

With a highly accurate simulation of the cockpit and systems, modeling, and texturing, along with features such as ground support and push back, make this a premier expansion for P3Dv5. The product has been tested by real NG pilots to help maintain the accuracy required for this simulation.

The super-high resolution virtual cockpit makes the cockpit extremely readable on your monitor. It is also an ideal simulation for those that use Virtual Reality headsets.

Please visit the relevant product page for more information about the Base Package.

Weiterführende Links zu "iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG Expansion Pack"
  • Lockheed Martin Prepar3D 5.3+
  • + iFly Jets - Advanced Series - The 737NG
  • Windows 10 Build 19041 oder höher, Windows 11
  • 3,4 GHz Quad-Core Prozessor (4,0+ GHz, 8+ Core empfohlen)
  • 8 GB RAM (16+ GB empfohlen)
  • 4 GB Grafikkarte (8+ GB empfohlen)
  • 5 GB Festplattenspeicher auf dem lokalen Laufwerk, auf dem sich C:\\...%Dokumente\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\ befindet (nicht OneDrive\Dokumente)
  • Maus mit Scrollrad
  • Aktuellste FSUIPC Version für TCAS, IVAO/VATSIM, automatisches Bremssystem (http://www.fsuipc.com/ registriert oder unregistriert)
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