rksoftware - FStarter24
Microsoft Flight Simulator
11,90 € *
Preis inkl. 19% MwSt.
Als Sofortdownload verfügbar
- Artikel-Nr.: AS16294
- Hersteller/Publisher: rksoftware
FStarter24 is a multi tool app for MSFS and lets you: Start flights and explore any... mehr
Produktinformationen "rksoftware - FStarter24"
FStarter24 is a multi tool app for MSFS and lets you:
- Start flights and explore any world location in MSFS:
- Easily start flights and explore the stunning world in Microsoft Flight Simulator
- Start flight in MSFS from any selected location on the FStarter24 map
- Create user POIs (Point of Interests):
- Select any location on the map or use the active flight location and create it as a user POI
- Save your favorite locations, whether it’s your house, school, cabin, or an airport runway
- Flight Situations:
- Start flights in the air or on the ground at any altitude, heading and speed
- Define specific situations, such as an airport traffic pattern (Final, Downwind, Base, Entry), complete with altitude, distance, and speed settings
- Create any type of flight situation
- Interactive Maps and Lists:
- View and manage your own user POIs, MSFS 3D cities, MSFS POIs, and MSFS flights
- Observe your airplane’s movement on the map
- Flexible Start Locations and flight data:
- Start flights at or near the location of 3Dcities, cities, MSFS POIs, or your user POIs
- Set any altitude, heading, speed, and time for the flight
- Custom Approaches and Landings:
- Create custom approaches, landings, or traffic patterns at any airport.
- Train and repeat your flights until you can land in any type of situation.
- Data Management:
- Save and start flights using complete MSFS situations and stored data
- User POI Lists:
- Utilize up to 4 user POI lists, allowing you to add thousands of user POIs
- Live Aircraft Marker:
- View your airplane’s movement with a dynamic marker on the map
- Time and Sim Rate:
- Set time of day and/or Sim Rate
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Wenn Sie bereits die vorherige FStarter Version im Aerosoft Shop erworben haben, steht Ihnen folgende Upgrade-Möglichkeit zur Verfügung:
- FStarter › FStarter24:
DL › 5,95 € inkl. 19% MwSt. (5,00 € ohne MwSt. | Preisangabe ggf. aufgrund der landesspezifischen MwSt. des Herkunftslandes abweichend)
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