FS Academy - Commander MSFS

MSFS 2020
21,96 € *

Preis inkl. 19% MwSt.

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  • AS16132
  • FS Academy
  • 1.0
  • Aerosoft One
Keep your cool in the face of adversity. FS Academy - Commander will arm you with the framework... mehr
Produktinformationen "FS Academy - Commander MSFS"

Keep your cool in the face of adversity. FS Academy - Commander will arm you with the framework to deal with anything fate throws your way, made by a real airline Captain.

Including emergency landings, system malfunctions, hazardous weather and more, Commander will present you with challenging and authentic scenarios that will stretch your abilities. Use real-world procedures and techniques to manage a wide range of scenarios that push you to the limit.

Forge a robust failure handling process that enables you to calmly and methodically work through the task at hand, no matter what aeroplane you are flying, that will stay with you throughout your flying career.

Know what to do when the engine stops turning. Stay in control when your instruments freeze. Survive a dangerous ash cloud encounter. Deal with a landing gear malfunction and then go your own way and make your own decisions, putting everything you have learnt to the test.

It’s time to level up and step into the shoes of the Commander. Feel the weight of responsibility from the four stripes on each shoulder.

    We start with a bang. Know what to do when the engine stops turning overhead the Isle of Wight. You will be introduced to failure management and will be shown how to select a suitable landing site. Follow the forced landing procedure to get us down safely.
  • 02. SUBZERO
    A freezing sky above the Isle of Man wreaks havoc on your instrumentation and controls. Think outside the box to recover and stay in control before returning to land with limited options. Learn the fundamentals of the pitot and static systems and see how difficult flying becomes without them. Use rudder to control your aircraft after your ailerons succumb to the chill.
  • 03. BLACKOUT
    Shut down non-essential systems as you desperately stretch out battery life so that you are not plunged into darkness before landing. Come to a decision using a structured failure management system to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome.
    A jammed landing gear leg necessitates a discontinued approach for troubleshooting in the shadow of Mt Vesuvius. Run through your options before accepting fate and scraping down the runway centreline to a stop.
    Step up to the Jetliners and navigate your way out of the international Paris Charles de Gaulle airport in thick fog. Make sure not to take a wrong turn as Air Traffic Control will notice. We will discuss the takeoff procedure as we crawl to the runway in diminished visibility.
    Once lined up on Paris CDG runway 27L, we set takeoff thrust and power through the fog up to flying speed. However all is not well after lift-off as our pitot systems become obstructed, forcing us to employ our Memory Actions to keep us on the rails. Sometimes the most difficult decisions are when everything returns to normal.
    Lose an engine high above the Alps and see how our reduced performance forces us lower into thicker air. Complete the authentic engine failure procedure and communicate with the cabin crew and passengers as we drift closer and closer to the alpine landscape below.
  • 08. TEMPEST
    A nightly occurrence in the European summer, fight your way between thunderstorms and achieve maximum climb performance to leap clear of the clouds and punch through to the clearer skies above. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you are reminded that not everything is within your control.
    A rapidly escalating situation develops onboard in the dead of night. Your engines begin to choke as the realisation sets in that you are engulfed within a dangerous cloud of volcanic ash. Run the real procedures to escape the area as you feel the full force of nature against you.
  • 10. MIRACLE
    An authentic recreation of US Airways Flight 1549. Based on the official NTSB report, experience for yourself the time-critical decision making that was required of the crew in the cold January skies above New York. Combined with true to life weather, aircraft configuration, passenger loads, cockpit communications and ATC recordings, this is a fascinating look at the Miracle on the Hudson, but this time you are in the Captain's seat.
    A last-minute windshear alert from our Cessna 208 throws our arrival into Guernsey into jeopardy. Make your own choice of whether you reattempt the approach or to conserve fuel and head for your alternate immediately.
Weiterführende Links zu "FS Academy - Commander MSFS"
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator (Version 2020)
  • Betriebssystem: Windows 10 / 11
  • Prozessor: Intel i5-8400 | AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
  • Videospeicher: 4 GB
  • Grafik: NVIDIA GTX 970 | AMD Radeon RX 590
  • Freier Festplattenspeicher: 1,5 GB

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