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TRPG - John A Osbourne Airport MSFS
SLH Sim Designs
MSFS 2024
TRPG - John A Osbourne Airport MSFS
Rebuilt Natively for MSFS 2024, John A Osbourne is a must visit Caribbean airport! The completion of John A. Osborne Airport allowed for the resumption of regular commercial airline service to Montserrat for the first time since 1997,...
  10,41 € *
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Mega Livery Pack MSFS
Papa Hotel
MSFS 2020
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Mega Livery Pack...
The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is an American four-seat, single-engine, high-wing, fixed-wing aircraft made by the Cessna Aircraft Company. It’s arguably the most used trainer aircraft. First flown in 1955, more 172s have been produced than any...
  19,94 € *
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Commercial Livery Pack MSFS
Papa Hotel
MSFS 2020
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Commercial Livery...
The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is an American four-seat, single-engine, high-wing, fixed-wing aircraft made by the Cessna Aircraft Company. It’s arguably the most used trainer aircraft. First flown in 1955, more 172s have been produced than any...
  8,50 € *
Verticalsim - KHTS - Huntington Tri-State Airport MSFS
MSFS 2024
Verticalsim - KHTS - Huntington Tri-State...
Mountaineer State Skies Await! KHTS liegt direkt in der Tri-State-Area an der Grenze zwischen West Virginia, Kentucky und Ohio! Und das alles inmitten den Appalachen. Perfekt für alle, die schöne Hügellandschaften und Flüsse lieben. HTS...
  14,18 € *
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Retro Livery Pack MSFS
Papa Hotel
MSFS 2020
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Retro Livery Pack...
The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is an American four-seat, single-engine, high-wing, fixed-wing aircraft made by the Cessna Aircraft Company. It’s arguably the most used trainer aircraft. First flown in 1955, more 172s have been produced than any...
  6,65 € *
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Modern Livery Pack MSFS
Papa Hotel
MSFS 2020
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Modern Livery...
The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is an American four-seat, single-engine, high-wing, fixed-wing aircraft made by the Cessna Aircraft Company. It’s arguably the most used trainer aircraft. First flown in 1955, more 172s have been produced than any...
  7,50 € *
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Flying Club Livery Pack MSFS
Papa Hotel
MSFS 2020
Papa Hotel - Netherlands C172 Flying Club...
The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is an American four-seat, single-engine, high-wing, fixed-wing aircraft made by the Cessna Aircraft Company. It’s arguably the most used trainer aircraft. First flown in 1955, more 172s have been produced than any...
  8,50 € *
OMSI 2 Add-on S400NF City Bus Series
OMSI 2 Add-on
OMSI 2 Add-on S400NF City Bus Series
Das „S41x NF Stadtbus“-Add-on besteht aus legendären Bussen, die für den Einsatz im Überland als auch für die Stadt konzipiert worden sind. Für den europäischen Markt wurden die Fahrzeuge zwischen 2006 und 2013 gebaut. Davon am...
  14,99 € *
SoFly - Weather Preset Pro V2
SoFly Ltd
MSFS 2024
SoFly - Weather Preset Pro V2
Weather Preset Pro v2 is the next generation in our award-winning and best-selling weather tool for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Built natively for the new flight simulation, Weather Preset Pro v2 will elevate your weather experience...
  13,09 € *
OMSI 2 Downloadpack Vol. 14 - KI-Lastwagen
OMSI 2 Add-on
OMSI 2 Downloadpack Vol. 14 - KI-Lastwagen
Sie gehören einfach zum Verkehr auf der Straße: Lastwagen . Mit dem Downloadpack 14 kommt nun eine ganze Reihe von Lastwagen in OMSI 2. Die vier verschiedenen LKW-Modelle sowie fünf Zugmaschinen mit dazu passenden, unterschiedlichen...
  12,95 € *
FS Reviews 1-2024
Bert Groner
FS Reviews 1-2024
Die erste FS Reviews ist da! Das Heft ist beinahe ein "FS Jahrbuch 2024" geworden, denn es wird vieles vorgestellt und besprochen, was seit dem Aus des gedruckten FS MAGAZIN im Juli 2023 auf dem Markt gekommmen ist. Die Auswahl viel...
  12,50 € *
SayIntentions.AI: Entourage
MSFS 2020 | MSFS 2024
SayIntentions.AI: Entourage
SayIntentions.AI: Entourage supports Commercial and General Aviation flights. It fills your aircraft with interactive AI personas, immersing you in a vibrant world of crew members, ATC chatter, and more. Drawing from real-time data like...
  53,49 € *
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